100 Drabbles- Request Page!

Jun 19, 2010 04:16

OK so I've decided to start a multi-fandom drabble collection. I've generated 100 random words, and I'll ask you to pick a couple from any of the following fandoms-

Any American Idol season
So You Think You Can Dance seasons 4-7

NOTE- There's pretty much no chance these will be porny, drabbles are too short for that to be any good.

1. Designing
2. Tag
3. Heavy
4. Secretary
5. Continuum
6. Speed
7. Off
8. Leisure
9. Mobile
10. Broadcast- AI9- Mike/Casey
11. Breeze
12. Heart
13. Fountain
14. Mole- AI8- Matt/Tatiana
15. Caffeine
16. Freezing
17. Measure
18. Crawl
19. Tenth
20. Park- AI7- Cook/Archie
21. Team
22. Danger
23. Initiative
24. Onion
25. Radiation
26. Champion
27. User
28. Calling
29. Ritual
30. Kernel
31. Umbrella
32. Trunk
33. Prison- Glee- Puck/Finn
34. Mint
35. Repeat
36. Wandering
37. Underneath
38. Boring
39. Crisis
40. Signal
41. Target
42. Lid
43. Cheap
44. Underline
45. Delicious
46. Sang
47. Sword
48. Step
49. Agenda
50. Agony
51. Dispute
52. Inclusion
53. Individual
54. Bust
55. Sketch
56. Knocking
57. Contemporary
58. Energy
59. Year
60. Chapter
61. Dressing
62. Culture
63. Reminder
64. Prevention
65. Strip- Glee- Finn/Rachel
66. Who- AI8- Michael Sarver/Anyone
67. Perfect
68. Fume
69. Impress- SYTYCD4- Gev/Courtney
70. Essay
71. Arcade
72. Violin- AI8- Kris/Katy
73. Anagram
74. Goodbye
75. Pot- AI8- Matt/Anoop
76. Paranoid
77. Frame
78. Youth
79. Skip- AI9- Crystal/Casey
80. Misprint
81. Table
82. Run
83. Penalty
84. Death
85. Teach- AI2- Clay/Ruben
86. Truth
87. Water
88. Sale
89. Jump- Glee- Mike/Matt
90. Battery
91. Orange- AI9- Tim/Casey
92. Breakdown
93. Concept
94. South
95. Stupid- AI2/AI9- Clay/Ruben, Mike/Casey
96. Weapon
97. Mechanic
98. Nurse
99. Pitch
100. Fortune

Request drabbles by matching any couple from the fandoms (AI all seasons, SYTYCD 4-7, and Glee) and matching the couple to one of the words on the list. No crossovers.

Let the requesting begin!
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