Aug 17, 2006 15:33
SO I was making some teriaki tofu today and I was reading the label in the teriaki sauce and its made with wine. Im a moron and read it right as soon as I was done. I was actually putting it in my mouth and stopped to read. weird. But I wasted a ton of tofu. Not even sure if It was alcoholic wine like im thinking it was. either way I didn't want anything to do with it.
Lately has been strange. Not really sure how things are going to go. Things are so up and down anymore its hard to know whats going on. So I just hope for the best. This time in my life everything seems so awkward. Not really sure how else to say it. It seems like everything has been happening right but it strangely gets there. if that makes sense. Its kinda like finding a $50 bill. Only its in a pile of dog poop. Is it really worth it to touch poop. Or should you get your hands dirty to get something you dont have. Its rather strange. But Its my life so I assume its going to always be bizzar.
I hung out with a old friend. It was a fun time. Its strange to see some one grow up so quickly over a few years. But he has an amazing son. I hope the best for him. He is in a rough situation. Well he always is. Not having a job always makes things really hard. But thats how I remember him. Broke and yea thats about it just broke.
Ive lost 10 pounds. I have 20 left. Im to lazy to actually try to do anything to lose more. I heard that nicole richie lost all of her weight recently by running every single day. Not working out. Shes down to 82 pounds. Im jealous. But they said she doesn't work out at all so she doens't gain muscle she just keeps burning fat. This is something I will probably have to start doing. I already love to run. But im lazy as fuck and 20 something pounds heavier it would be hard to move myself that fast. Im pathetic. I know.
WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!! Its impossble for you to be happy. How is it that I surround myself with people who are more unstable then I am. Its annoying.
ALright well fuck this im in a bad mood. Im going to go run. Might as well start some time.