Jun 23, 2006 12:17
Dont be mad cause you think im naked.
Be mad that you aren't seeing me naked.
Be mad cause that you aren't the one getting me naked.
Don't be mad cause you think im changing.
Be mad cause you are changing.
Be mad cause you aren't the one changing me.
Be mad.
I dont care.
Opionions are nothing but words anymore.
I learnt me lesson.
How long have a spent hating you?
Why do you contact me?
I feel no pitty for you.
I fucking hate you.
Dont tell me you love your girlfriend.
I know you treat her like you treated me.
I fucking hate you.
i fucking hate you.
I fucking hate you.
Im not even kidding.
You can die and I will get on with life like I have never of lived.
I fucking hate you.
Don't deny what you did to me.
I would kill you.
But I want to go to heaven.
You make me fucking sick.
You are worthless.
My shit is more worthy than you.
You have made me cry for way to long.
Its over.
you wont get my tears.
I love you.
You are my new happiness.
You are such a dick to me.
Dont pee on the floor!!
Eating plastic is not good for you.
You make me look better.
We take horrible pictures.
I love you.
I love you.
Sorry you went days before I named you. (kinda)
Watching you makes me feel so much smarter.
Thanks for everything you have done for me.
You are such a beautiful person.
Words can't express what you mean to me for every you have given me.
I love chipotle.