Aug 28, 2007 01:35
It's soooo late. I can't believe I'm not sleeping, thought I'm pretty sure I expected to be up this late.
So let's see..
So. August 15th-a Wednesday. I'm having trouble claiming unemployment, and I'm severely strapped for cash. I can't take class at Peridance, because although I have a few prepaid cards, I gave myself blisters on my feet from running on pavement. I have no money for food, I'm feeling shitty, and I'm thinking about how the hell I'm going to make a life in New York. I have nobody to call, so I'm sitting in Union Square park biding my time waiting to meet Nathan at 5 and writing in my journal. I call mom and cry to her for a while, but she has to get off the phone and go to work. I hang up and cry some more before writing in my journal again. An hour later when I'm getting ready to go to Herald Square, I see I missed a call from the ImaginAsian theater. I call back and get an interview that Friday.
August 17th-Friday. I miss my bus, and have to take a bus an hour later. I call to say I might be late to the interview, but miraculously end up getting there at 12:01. I was supposed to get there at 12. I sign in and realize 10 other people have signed in before me to interview. I sit and talk for a while with two manager people, and leave feeling very confident. I go take a modern and then a ballet class. I leave class at 7 and see I have a missed call and voicemail. It's the girl that interviewed me wanting me to call her back. I do and she tells me they called my refrences and liked me-I'm officially hired. !!!
August 18th-Saturday. I have a short night out and go home. Sleeping at moms house I realize I'm moving. I'm not going to call South Jersey home anymore. I get sad and bit teary. Looking at my room I realize I own nothing of any practical value whatsoever, besides some art. The next morning I call mom and ask her if I can take some non-perishable food, knowing I'm going to only have $20 a week for food. She says I can take whatever I want, and walk away with half the dried goods in the house.
August 19th-Sunday. Bill and I drive up to my dads in seperate cars, me in the Jeep with all my stuff. I drop off my food and things and we hop in the car to look at an open house for him. We miss it, but find bars and get drunk. I tell him how awsome he is. We get me home late and him home later.
August 21st-Tuesday. I go to the ImagineAsian to fill out paperwork. Meet a few coworkers, try and get over severe cold I got over the weekend.
August 22nd-Wednesday. Plan on going for drinks with Lucy after ballet class. Take class with Igal and feel great. Drink cheap drinks at Jimmy's corner and then hang out in LES talking with Lucy about exes. Take 11:15 bus home.
August 23rd-Thursday. First day of work. I meet Sean who's hysterical, a few other girls who are nice and totally cute, and Kevin who's a wonderful synical bastard. I like all of them and they all think I'm funny, and I love it there already. Leave work and kill time before going to see an appartment in Bensonhurst. Go through a crisis of having no food and money and thinking I'm going to starve. Network saves my life, and I get to eat cheap chinese. After traveling an hour to Bensonhurst and waiting 15 minutes for appartment girl to show up, rommate shows up and says the whole thing is canceled. Travel an hour 15 to Port Authority hoping fate has a plan and take 11:15 bus home. Again.
August 24th-Friday. Class is hard because I'm exhausted. After, Lucy and I get coffee, and I help her pack her stuff and get on the train. While packing I get a call from another person in Bensonhurst to blocks away from the ditching girl and I set up to see the appartment on Saturday before work. Go to work with a bag falling apart and find a Duane Reade to buy a backpack. Go back to work and meet Chuck. After a fun night of training, stay after drinking beers and listening to music with Chuck. After sleeping arangements with Brian's friend fall through, am offered a place to crash at Chucks. Hang out untill 5 am, wake up at 9:30 because he works in the am. Go to work with Chuck.
August 25th-Saturday. get breakfast and get on train to go to Bensonhurst. After taking too long to get there, talking with Shirly for 45 mins, and waiting too long for Ling xiou to show up, get on train to get to work-45 minutes late. Work a few hours with Chuck, and he leaves. :( Work all night with Dan, who is very fun. After a busy evening I head to Port Athority only to discover it is actually the weekend with buses running on weekend schedule, and I have to ait until 12:30 for a bus. Shirly calls and says I should come by the appartment tomorrow to meet Sharon and Ling xiou. If I can bring the deposit that would be great. I call mom and Bill and figure out how to get 700 dollars.
August 26th-Sunday. Miss 6:30 bus, and so miss class. Miss 8:30 bus and so miss other class. Wake up at 10:21 and so miss bus to get me into the city to meet Bill. Bill picks me up and we drive to the Bronx to see the open house we missed the week before. Drive to Bensonhurst and finally get to appartment. After another two hour of waiting and killing time, meet Ling xiou who really likes me. I get offered the room. I give the deposit-I have a place to stay!!! Go out with Bill, and get trashed. Get me home way late, him home waaaay even later.
Today-Monday. got to work early. worked hard. made myself go to class. my body aches because I'm so tired. I have to get stuff together to bring to the place on tuesday-I want to stay over tuesday night because I have work wed. morning. get the 9:00 bus. Get home, and adrenaline kickes in. Pack stuff up and hop on computer to do stupid stuff. It's 2:00 and I need to wake up at 6:30. How am I going to do two dance classes tomorrow? I could pass out right now, like I could have five hours ago. Mostly all my food is ready, my shower stuff is set, and all I need to do is get clothes set aside for tomorrow. I'm crazy to be awake, but I don't care. In under two weeks I've gotten a job and I'm moving into an appartment. Rent is affordable, pay at work is good, and I love the job. Chuck's moving to Texas, but scheduling at the theater is way loose, and I can work mostly nights and weekends, allowing for most if not all of Taylor during the week. My room has two windows. I can't believe all this.
I'm so happy..*yawn*