Jul 07, 2006 18:49
But I'm too much of a pussy to join.
So tonight we were flying some SF guys up north to this camp. And one dood was like "hey you mind if I ride on the ramp with ya??" I'm like sure, I got no problem with it. Usually we let them do whatever they want, cause I mean, they jump outta planes and shit... so i could careless if the mother fucker falls off the ramp during flight.
I'm like "hey if you want, we'll pass over the mountains coming outta here, we usually test fire our weapons, so if you wanna crack off some rounds, be my guest."
The SF Guy is like "Cool, hey you wanna shoot my m-4?"
And I look down and he has this fuckin tricked out M-4 with all this tactical ted shit hangin off it.
I'm like "right on, I mean, i already got an m-4 here in the back..."
He's like "no i mean, you wanna shoot my 203??"
I'm like the grenade launcher???? FUCK YEAH.
He goes "you ever shot one."
I said I shot one in fuckin basic training once, but it was a bullshit paint round. He's like "yeah i got some high impact/armour piercing which have a bit more kick, but its all the same."
I'm like "rad!"
So we get up in the air, coming close to the test fire area. I mic up to my pilot, Maj Sherman who's cool as fuck. I'm like "Hey i'm gonna fire off this doods 203" Majo sherman is like "KICK ASS, hey fire it over to the far right, I wanna see it. Oh hey, even better, there's a rock formation up here, blast that."
We fly up over this mountain top and I give the SF guy the thumbs up. He hands me his rifle. I lean over to the right and fire this bitch off. POP....its like a 12 second delay...BAM, direct hit. Mother fucker hit this boulder and blew it to pieces. Plus we were under NVG's, so it was bright as shit. Even the guys in the Apache behind us, come over the radios' like "Hey what the fuck...you guys are having all the fun." hahaha.
I look over and the SF dood is like yelling and i can make out his lips "FUUUUUUCK YEAH!!!"
It was pretty rad.