If I Was President Or God For A Day...PART II

Jun 21, 2006 12:08

.... I'd clean up this God-forsaken mudball called "earth."

2. Women in the military. Yeah thats right. I'm gonna catch some shit for this, but you know what, I don't care. This is my blog and I can say whatever I want. Who's idea was this? Believe me I'm not against equal opportunity in the work force or anything. I think women are capable of doing just about any job, if not more then most men. I've seen it with my own eyes. I'd be even willing to say that alot of women are just as physically capable as well. I've seen some women do more pushups, situps and run faster then some men in the Army. Thats not the arguement here. The reason why women can't be equal and do every job men can do...is cause MEN WON'T ALLOW IT. But my rant here isnt' about the average civilian work environment, its about the military. And more directly...the war zone.

My entire basis for this arguement is based off one simple fact.... Men piss standing up, while women pee sitting down. I'm gonna get down to the fundamentals here.

I've had three, no count them four instances in my military career where women were uncomfortable, if not offended, by the fact that male soldiers use nature to take a piss. My reaction to that is.... WAKE THE FUCK UP!!

Have you seen this country? I've had the unique, disheartening pleasure of serving in Kuwait, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan now. THey all have one thing in common, its a shithole. Trash blowing everywhere. Its hot. Its nasty. People live squaller and homes made of shit, or what we would refer to as a "shanty". They smell, their dirty and they don't have an EPA. I've witnessed with my own two eyes a shit truck spraying its bowls into a major National River in Iraq, you would probably know it as The Euphrates. And Your asking yourself, what is a shit truck? Here's the down and dirty definition. You take a massive shit in a porta jon or some kinda professional recepticle designed to house your waste. After you step out, probably about a thousand more people like you, following up with more massive shits. Then Haji (i.e. man of Middle Eastern descent) drives up with his jingle truck, sticks a hose into the hole and sucks all that nasty shit and piss out. Once he has successfully filled the truck with a few million turds and thousand gallons of human urine. He drives off post to go dump it into the nearest River. Ontop of all that, he probably gets paid good money for it too. So back to my point here. With that being sad, who gives a rats ass which piece of ground I decide to urinate on.

Now if you are somehow offended by male genatalia or observing someone out in the open, dropping trout, maybe you should have thought about that when you joined the oldest mens fraternity in the history of America. Shit, history of mankind. NEWS FLASH, WE PISS ON THE GROUND. And yes, when we unzip and pull our penis out...urine exits. Thats a fact of life. I'm pretty sure that if you are capable of pushing a live, screaming baby outta your body (wonderful thing in my book) and dedicate day and night wiping that baby's ass and watching him/her shit its pants. You can handle a couple army guys who've been flying all day, get out and take a piss break off to the side.

If you can't handle that, you probably can't handle much. Which says to me, you should have never joined our club. GET OUT!!!
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