Mar 09, 2005 16:21
yup 4 days untill NYC and i still cant wait. tomarrow is youth group
and i love it there b/c it is sooooooo much fun!! and we might go out
to eat since we dont have school friday:-) so we might go to friendlys!
but friday i will prolly clean all day maybe idk watch degrassi and RFR
with jake epstein:-) he is gonna wear eyeliner on RFR thats
soooooooooooo hot!! then watch the new wildboyz @ 9:)then i am gonna
stay up untill erin and meg come home...yup thean saterday erins friend
jill is coming over and we r gonna eat tacos:):) yumm but yea then
idk.but for now i really dont know what to write about so i am gonna go
in my room and listen to music:-).L8ter