the 4th weekend ..
heather chris katie and scott came into town and they stayed at my house :) it was fun the first night they were here they got here at like 11:30 so we couldnt really do anything so they just met aaron and steven and then went to sleep
the next day i had to go to the car wash but i could only stay for a lil cuz my mom was taking us all to the mall so we went to the mall than that night we went to mikey barkers and we hung out .. and yeah went home at like 11:45 and went to sleep
my mom let me go to page for the 4th :-D!!! i was so happy so i drove up there on the 4th with chris, heather, katie, and scott so anyways that night me renee and heather went out to industrial for this huge party but before we left we watched the fireworks :) i saw kyle and everyone again at industrial and they invited me back to pats to hangout and i did than i came back to industrial later that night and me and heather left and met her brother, renee, and cody out at this place i forget what its called and camped out there .. haha cody was so drunk it was great.
the next day katie heather and me all drove around and we met some cute st. george boys who invited us to go party with them in that night which is 2 hours from page so we said we might but we ended up not going that day i called my mom and asked to stay an extra day and she said i could so we went out to this other desert party that had jungle juice and jello shots left over from the 4th party out at industrial so that was fun (and no i did not get drunk but everyone else did and it was hilarious) than that night we slept in heathers car haha cuz we couldnt find anywhere to sleep but luckily elliot brought us blankets aw how sweet i finally got to sleep round 4 and got up at 6 to pack my stuff cuz brian was picking me up at 7
so that morning i got all my stuff together and brian came and got me but i made him take me to kyles before we left and we went over there and i woke kyle up and i layed with him for like 10 mins and than brian made me leave so i did haha and than yeah i came home yay that was my weekend