Nov 16, 2004 16:25
CAN WE SAY CABLE INTERNET. :D WOOO. I think i'm in love with it. I should marry it... mmmm lol. I downloaded 14 songs in less than a half hour. lmfao...
This was yesterday's entry to help you catch up with whats been goin on with meeeeee:
This fucking computer pisses me off. I can never do anything but be online for a half hour at the most, and go on Neopets for a few minutes before my computer like, eats it. And yes, I said Neopets... lol's been so long since I've written a LJ entry. Stuff has happened and shit. On Wednesday night I had my first little sleepover at the new house with Noelle, Panda and Lianna. It was fun. My mom went overboard on the food but she always makes more than enough. Lianna had to take a shit after I told her my weird freaky dream and it scared her so she was afraid to go in my bathroom alone, so me, Noelle and Panda had to duke it out and stand in the shower while Lianna took her shit. That was funny. And we did mad libs and came up with some interesting phrases. Monagle soup. Lions, tigers, and Tassis (oh my!). African Miggys. Boiled Torie (Noelle's dead bird) with rice. Toenail Omelette with Urine Sauce. Mouth-To-Scrotum Recesitation. It was fuuuuunnnnnyyyyy. We also did some remixes to NSYNC, Air Force Ones and fuckin Ricky Martin lmfoa
Umm...what else is new? I'm getting Cable internet tomorrow! Finally! I'm no longer a caveman with dial-up. :P
We also got our report cards today. Oh yeah, I dropped AP English. I love Ms. Dakin and everything but holy shit...the stuff she gives is ultra hard and I couldn't handle it all at a rapid pace. So I'm in honors English, I have Ms. DeCristoforo. She's wicked nice, her room smells awesome and she...likes...JOHN MAYER. =O!
My grades are as follows:
AP Amer. Lit. Dakin C- (see?! I do NOT want a C in English. lol)
Italian 3 Miggy B (w/e)
Concept. Physics Cassano D+ (fuck yooouuuuu buddy)
Adv. Algebra Sinnott A- ( insanely easy)
Honors US History Monagle C+ (eh...good for history)
Child Dev. 1 Michaud B+ (...fairly good. )
Mr. Cassano put "Hard working and cooperative" but meanwhile gave me a D+ .. lmfao... okayyyy. That makes sense lol
Alright...tomorrow my internet and computer should love me....or else. >:o