Name: Meeghan [Megan]
Nicknames: Megs, Meegs, Meegee, Meggie, Storm, Bob, Luv-Ell-Ey
Age: 15
Location: Florida. A very small town in Florida.
Gender: Female.
Sexual Preference: Straight.
Likes n Dislikes:
5-10Favorie bands.: A Day to Remember//Senses Fail//The Spill Canvas//My Chemical Romance//Kids Like Us//SeventhStar
5 bands you can't stand to hear: 50 Cent//N*Sync//Backstreet Boys//Avril Lavigne//Dixie Chicks
5 favorite movies: Boondock Saints//Constantine//The Scream Trilogy//Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas//Dirty Dancing
Favorite food: Anything from Taco Bell.
Favorite color: Neon Green and Purple.
Favorite or most used word/phrase?: Loserface.
Make the perfect concert using 3 bands: A Day to Remember//SeventhStar//As I Lay Dying
Best show of your life so far?: Concert show? A Day to Remember was playing in their hometown, where I love, and I was able to rush back from Panama City [six hours away] and get back to it in time to hear them play.
Something awesome about your self you think we may want to know about: I don't know. Haha. Maybe the fact that I'm a really big dork who loves to play guitar. I also take my camera everywherre [or I did, until my brother broke it].
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A photographer.
Opinions.. mm yes
George Bush: I don't like him. I don't like his choices, either. I have nothing against anyone who does like him, but his choices on the war and on gay rights bothers me. I don't think he's a very good president.
Smoking and drinking: My brother's life was almost ruined because he got a D.U.I., and my sister had smoked almost all her life, and it's done nothing for her. I don't like the idea of it, but I'm not going to stop people from doing those things.
School: I don't like school, but I think it's good for kids to get an education. If kids don't go to school, their lives could be ruined. I may not like it, but I know it's good for me.
Pre-Marital sex: I have no problem with it. I don't believe in it, but I don't tell people who do it is wrong. I know many people who have done it, and they are still my friends. I hold myself to my beliefs, and I'm not going to do it though.
God: I'm a Christian, I believe in God fully. I accepted God into my life over the summer, after growing up in a Christian home. It wasn't until now I realized what I thought about God.
Tattoos n’ piercing‘s: I love piercings. I have two piercings in my ears, and I'm getting a belly button ring and another piercing in my ear. I have no problem with piercings. Tattoos? I don't know if I'll ever get one, but I don't think it is wrong for other people to have them. I sometimes think it is idiotic to get them though. [One of my friends is getting a purple butterfly on his wrist because he saw one of his friend's get it.]
Self mutilation: I don't mind admitting that I used to cut. I don't find it gross because I did it before. Since I gave it up, I don't think my friends should do it either. It really hurts me when I see my other friends doing it, but I can't be angry at them. I used to do it.
Other Crap…
Who referred you?(user name):
ocean_maePromote us to three places, and provide links (could be a journal, or a community):
♥. ♥. ♥. Post 3 to 5 pictures of things you are interested in ((people, sports, anything.)):

I love taking pictures of my pets.

I love playing pool with my friends [this is a picture of one of my friends playing pool]

I love acting. This is a picture of a cast I was in back in March. We were doing the show Robin Hood.

I absolutely love flowers. I have my own garden in my backyard and this is one of the flowers I took a picture of.
Post at least 3 clear pictures of yourself (no more than 10): ALSO a picture that you want to go in the info (if you are accepted)