Oct 04, 2006 01:10
This Weekend I Learned all about Murphy's Law and ....
- where Paul comes from (ie: i met his dad)
- that hookah doesn't agree with me
- what the worst bathrooms in Adams Morgan look like on your hands and knees
- that Dan Silva is an all right guy
- when you finally get around to buying something from Urban Outfitters, it will be sold-out
- that D.C. metro is AMAZING.
- waiting at Rhode Island Ave. metro is a bad choice.
- getting a cab from Greenbelt is an even worse choice
- learned all about Pakistan
- the value of 'home' and also of cell phones
- movies you want to see and do will no be as good as the ones you didn't get to see
BUT BESIDES ALL OF THIS MOSTLY NEGATIVE STUFF, it was all right. in the words of the Velvet Underground "yeah it was all right"
and great to be back, so good in fact that I am not going home for reading days.
ALSO : The Hold Steady (who usually suck) have an awesome new album out called : Boys and Girls in America (buy it or download "You Can Make Him Like You"