Basically what I have been up to these past few days can be sumed up in two words : Anderson Cooper .
At work I had been reading bits of his book (see above picture) durning breaks. I finally got to the point where I couldn't put it down. So I went ahead and brought the book home, which I now call "My Boyfriend's Book" and Anderson Cooper 360 is my boyfriend's tv show (which I also have been watching)
Apparently however, though not offical, my boyfriend is gay. Its ok, we can still go shopping and cuddle.
At any rate gay or transexual or into S and M, Anderson Cooper can write. I highly recommend either picking up a copy of said book, or just ask to borrow my copy I should be done it tommorow.
Other then Anderson Cooper, I have just been planning things for my D.C. trip this weekend. I am so SIKED! I hope everyone gets along. And then the WORLD CUP is Sunday and I will be in a nice sports bar in D.C. to watch it!! VIVA LA FRANCE (i am sure Italy will win, but I am rooting for France) .