Jun 23, 2005 17:47
i got really bored so i decided to come back and do this. and also cuz kirby told me so on myspace. so many things have happened since my last entry. too much to talk about. since my last entry ive finished my first year of college with a 1.8 gpa. its not great but at least its better than what it was before. i didnt know college was going to be so hard, but i got some new inspiration. mikayla jade was born on june 11, 2005 same as kirbys bday. so thats cool. mikayla jade is forsure why im going to stay at ucsd. im going to get into med school and be a doctor dammit so i can help my goddaughter. moving back home to westcovina is the best. i chill with a lot of the same old homies but some newbies as well. its super dope. highschool is sooo drama and people i used to have shit with, now im cool with. its funny when people see us together cuz its like wtf? i even chill with pio again haha. so life is great. my summer nights consist of pokering, morongoing, alberto's, partying, sleeping, summerschooling, job and girl hunting haha. erwin is my brother and we fight like brothers over video games and poker. rickys still my partner in crime and we still cheat in school. we go to PCC for summerschool and our mastery of cheating in highschool still works in college. hopefully i dont jinx myself. i think i got hired at applebees but im not sure cuz the manager was kinda saying yes and kinda saying no. so as of now im still jobless. but im pretty sure i got the job and if i dont its cool. mrs. morgeson called me yesterday her baby is eli joseph and i saw pics of him. hes a white boy forsure. too bad we couldve made beatiful babies. okay bye. oh and kathy im sorry again. but please call me when youre free.