Thanks, Shinji. You're a lifesaver. the moment I want to try and do it as much as I can. Give it a week or two when I haven't slept for just as long and am going crazy from reading about fluffy sheep. ...Why does she always want that book?
You'll need a break eventually, especially if what I read from Peach-blossom is any indication.
She's not old enough to have favourites really or to even know what you're reading about. She might just like the shapes or the colours or the way you read it.
Takeshi's lying. Parents don't get a break, so I should be able to do this easily since I have Mariko-san helping too.
No I swear, if you saw her with this book you'd see she goes crazy for it! >>; But it is quite a pink book, maybe she likes the colour? Or maybe she likes me and Takeshi acting out the scenes...hmm...
You're not his parent. You're a teenager who has to look after their niece so you shouldn't be giving up you life just to look after them. Just some of your life.
You're going to have a pink girly girl. She's the anti of what you are Kamio. What will you do when she grows up and wants to be a pretty pink princess?
But I'm kind of a parent...I want to be her parent. As best as I can get, anyway. She's already got off to a sucky start to life being abandoned, she deserves as much time as I can give her.
You're right...maybe I should player her some Linkin Park? If I start her off while she's still young maybe I can save her from that fate!
Then I suggest to you that if you want to give her the best life you can offer give her many parents. Let me come around with the girls one day and let us look after her. Nagisa and Amaya could be little sisters to her with Momoshiro's little sister.
Okay that...does make sense. I just...wanted to do it all. I wanted to look after her and be there for her and I'm going overkill aren't I? >>;
Definitely worth a try if it saves her soul from a life of pop music and wanting to grow up to be a Disney Princess. I'll wait until she's a bit older to try her with MCR.
He wouldn't let you sleep on the sofa. He loves you too much to deny himself a warm body to lay against. I'm not trying to get you in trouble but if it wasn't for all that muscle I think he'd be a girl.
You're challenging me to something speed related? I'm going to practice. I'm going to stun you with my amazing ability.
I'm not so sure, I think that might be enough to make him take the step and I don't want to risk it! >>; He's...very pretty. And has a gorgeous smile. And yeah he's probably very lucky he's muscular. I think he looks hot in a skirt. I should so be screening this...Keshi if you're reading this I'll grab a pillow and go downstairs now. >>;
I think you're wrong. Unless he ends up on the soda with you. But see? He would suit being a girl. I've never seen him in a skirt though. Does he really suit it?
If I have to sleep alone on the cold sofa, I'm going to call you every five minutes all night just so you're as miserable as I will be. I think he does. He was being modest, but...I think he'd make a pretty good girl. ...This is the oddest conversation I've ever had.
She's not old enough to have favourites really or to even know what you're reading about. She might just like the shapes or the colours or the way you read it.
No I swear, if you saw her with this book you'd see she goes crazy for it! >>; But it is quite a pink book, maybe she likes the colour? Or maybe she likes me and Takeshi acting out the scenes...hmm...
You're going to have a pink girly girl. She's the anti of what you are Kamio. What will you do when she grows up and wants to be a pretty pink princess?
You're right...maybe I should player her some Linkin Park? If I start her off while she's still young maybe I can save her from that fate!
You might. It's worth a try?
Definitely worth a try if it saves her soul from a life of pop music and wanting to grow up to be a Disney Princess. I'll wait until she's a bit older to try her with MCR.
You never know. I think she might grow up top be like Momoshiro. A happy and poppy little princess.
Did you Takeshi a princess?!
I might have done, yes. You don't think he's a bit princess-y?
I think that if I even hinted that he might be then I'd be sleeping on the sofa tonight... >>; You're trying to get me in trouble here, aren't you?
He wouldn't let you sleep on the sofa. He loves you too much to deny himself a warm body to lay against. I'm not trying to get you in trouble but if it wasn't for all that muscle I think he'd be a girl.
I'm not so sure, I think that might be enough to make him take the step and I don't want to risk it! >>; He's...very pretty. And has a gorgeous smile. And yeah he's probably very lucky he's muscular. I think he looks hot in a skirt. I should so be screening this...Keshi if you're reading this I'll grab a pillow and go downstairs now. >>;
I think you're wrong. Unless he ends up on the soda with you. But see? He would suit being a girl. I've never seen him in a skirt though. Does he really suit it?
If I have to sleep alone on the cold sofa, I'm going to call you every five minutes all night just so you're as miserable as I will be. I think he does. He was being modest, but...I think he'd make a pretty good girl. ...This is the oddest conversation I've ever had.
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