^___________^ Babe, you can't hate Germany that much! Don't they make good cars or something and I suppose they have some good music... The food isn't great buuuuut... ^^ I'll give you those cuddles anyway!
I will fucking murder you so much that YOU'LL DIE FROM IT.
Yeah but...all the cars I've seen on the road are boring ones. >>; And all the music I've heard so far has been those weird instruments...not one death metal band! ;__; Want cuddles nao kthx.
YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A BLOODY HEARTATTACK. ;__; I need to read the whole thing before reacting, I thought you were going to keep my cuddles hostage...nao pls.
^___________^ Babe, you can't hate Germany that much! Don't they make good cars or something and I suppose they have some good music... The food isn't great buuuuut... ^^ I'll give you those cuddles anyway!
Yeah but...all the cars I've seen on the road are boring ones. >>; And all the music I've heard so far has been those weird instruments...not one death metal band! ;__; Want cuddles nao kthx.
Then lets go find some cool cars, some good music and I'll come bring you those cuddles soon!
...Okay actually that's quite a good plan.
Lets do it tomorrow, huh? I'll give the cuddles sooner though!
YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A BLOODY HEARTATTACK. ;__; I need to read the whole thing before reacting, I thought you were going to keep my cuddles hostage...nao pls.
.... HAHAHA, you... dumbass! I'll come over in five minutes! You can have all the cuddles you can handle!
...I have to wait?! I think you underestimate how many I can handle.
Yep, gotta wait so I can find where I put my pants... XP
Don't waste time with them. Wait...why are they off...?
Ha. I was joking... I'll be there soon!
Why ha? they'll just be coming off again once I get through with you. Less typing more moving!
Uhh... hope you kicked your roommate out in that case! XD
Done. Perhaps I should have opened the window first...
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