If I never take another exam in my life after this week I'll die happy. They're just end of term ones, but does there have to be so bloody many?
Takeshi, tomorrow is my only exam-free day, want to hit the arcade after school today? I feel like dancing myself to death.
01. Honestly, What would make you happy? Takeshi, coffee. Anything else would be a distraction.
02. Honestly, Does being with your friends make you happy? Yeah.
03. Honestly, Do you believe in yourself? Not really.
04. Honestly, Are you annoying to people? Yes.
05. Honestly, How many people do you have feelings for? What kind of feelings? I care about my friends a lot; I either hate you or really like you.
06. Honestly, What's on your mind? Lots.
07. Honestly, What are you doing right now? This quiz and listening to music. And, you know, terribly engaged in my computer class work.
08. Honestly, What color is your underwear? Black.
09. Honestly, Have you done something bad today? ...He needed to be punched. Seriously.
10. Honestly, Do you watch Wild n' 0ut? What?
11. Honestly, Are you jealous of someone right now? No.
12. Honestly, What makes you happy most of the time? Takeshi. FFS yesterday he was just there and he made me so bloody happy.
13. Honestly, Do you want to see someone this very minute? Yes.
14. Honestly, Do you have a deep dark secret? Several.
15. Honestly, When is the last time you have been to taco bell? Uh, never.
16. Honestly, Are you mean? To most.
17. Honestly, Who did you copy and paste this from? Shinji.
18. Honestly, Where would you rather be right now? Anywhere but Fudoumine chuu, with Takeshi.
19. Honestly, Do you like someone? Yes.
20. Honestly, What was the last thing someone said to you? “Come over here and say that.”
21. Honestly, What did you say to them? “Fuck off.” …Then bravely ran away.
22. Honestly, Have you gone out of your way to make a new friend? No, I’m not terribly interested in befriending people.
23. Honestly, Do you shower? Well duh, of course.
24. Honestly, What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? Oh god, I don’t think I’ve ever made a ranking order. Uh…possibly smashing my fist through someone’s car window. Regretted that one pretty quickly, but I don’t tend to think when I’m upset or angry.
25. Honestly, Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Tears of pain, maybe.
26. Honestly, Do you swear when you're mad? Even more so than usual.
27. Honestly, When was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? A week or two ago.
28. Honestly, Have you cried yourself to sleep? …Yes.
29. Honestly, Do you still cry when you get an injury? No, I’d have dehydrated years ago.
30. Honestly, Do certain songs make you cry? Yeah.
31. Honestly, Do you like crying? NO.
32. Honestly, Are you normally a happy person? Hell no.