Sep 24, 2004 16:24
had a good day today. going to em's tonight (hooray!!!)
had some odd conversations today, at school and online. yeah here's an example:
x lawruh x18: haha a couple days ago my friend had an away message that said in the shower call the cell
x lawruh x18: i thought it was hilarious and thought of you lol
Keith Now Says: HAHAHAHA
x lawruh x18: hahah
x lawruh x18: have you ever had caffenated gum?
Keith Now Says: hehehehehehehehhe
Keith Now Says: yeah
Keith Now Says: lol
x lawruh x18: hahahahhaha
x lawruh x18: you're too funny
Keith Now Says: hyper without anyone knowin whyu
x lawruh x18: hahahah
x lawruh x18: thats awesome
x lawruh x18: hmmm do you like bacon?
x lawruh x18: my best friend told me to ask lol
Keith Now Says: mmmmmmm
Keith Now Says: pig...
x lawruh x18: turkey or pig bacon?
x lawruh x18: hahaha nice
Keith Now Says: whAt??? TURKEY BACON?
x lawruh x18: yeah!
x lawruh x18: you
x lawruh x18: 've never had it?
x lawruh x18: its bad
Keith Now Says: Id imagine
x lawruh x18: thats a song
x lawruh x18: whats the world coming to...
Keith Now Says: who wants a strip of turkey on their plate for breakfast?
x lawruh x18: but anyway, yeah
x lawruh x18: haha i know
x lawruh x18: they make canadian bacon too
x lawruh x18: its round and weird
Keith Now Says: =-O(insert another face with uneven eyeborws)
x lawruh x18: hahaha
x lawruh x18: do you like fig newtons?
Keith Now Says: o man yeah
x lawruh x18: i had a conversation with cam about fig newtons once
x lawruh x18: aww those are nasty!
Keith Now Says: hahahahahahha
x lawruh x18: they're old people food
x lawruh x18: and nilla wafers
x lawruh x18: you know you're old when you eat nilla wafers
Keith Now Says: lol
Keith Now Says: those things are amazing
x lawruh x18: gross!
Keith Now Says: experience a senior moment in your teen years
x lawruh x18: have you ever had the chocolate ones? aww man
Keith Now Says: who doesnt want that?
x lawruh x18: hahahhahahahahahhahaa
Keith Now Says: its all the rage in france
Keith Now Says: damn frenchies
x lawruh x18: hahahahahahaha
x lawruh x18: those 4 sayings just made my entire week
Keith Now Says: what 4?
Keith Now Says: i thought i only said 3
Keith Now Says: whoa.. guess i gotta lay of the soda
x lawruh x18: Keith Now Says: experience a senior moment in your teen years
Keith Now Says: for maybe a half an hour
x lawruh x18: eith Now Says: its all the rage in france
Keith Now Says: damn frenchies
x lawruh x18: hahaha and the caffenated gum
Keith Now Says: you said the caffinated gum
Keith Now Says: lol
Keith Now Says: wow your aim expression makes me think im on roids and im looking at a very fast beetle..
Keith Now Says: what the hell is that thing?
x lawruh x18: hahahhahahahahahah
x lawruh x18: what the picture?
x lawruh x18: its jimmy paige
x lawruh x18: from led zeppelin
Keith Now Says: o now i see it
x lawruh x18: hahahaha
Keith Now Says: i thought the guitar was the ass of a beetle
x lawruh x18: lol
x lawruh x18: you're the best
x lawruh x18: hahaha
Keith Now Says: lol
Keith Now Says: i try
x lawruh x18: hahaha
Keith Now Says: id be more afraid of coyotes if i were yer.. im an old prospector!
Keith Now Says: o man funny story time
x lawruh x18: what?
Keith Now Says: my dad asked me where i got to be in such good shape.. and i told him.. o a excersise i call.. rocks paper scissors!
Keith Now Says: he kinda looked at me odd and went to get a physciatry book
x lawruh x18: hahahahahahah
Keith Now Says: i was like can i see what your readin?
Keith Now Says: HEY THAT LOOKS LIKE ME!!!>:o
x lawruh x18: hahaahaahha
Keith Now Says: *When your son makes no sense*
x lawruh x18: lmao hahahhaa
x lawruh x18: lol my mom needs that for me
x lawruh x18: well, when your daughter makes no sense
Keith Now Says: My dad says they need a catelog called.. when you believe your son will end up on the news. Id be on the cover every other month.
Keith Now Says: First id be playin with matches.
x lawruh x18: hahaha there's this stuff i put on my feet for dance and its like powdery stuff and i was putting it on in the bathroom over the tile and there was powder all over the floor my mom came in and was like are you doing drugs?
x lawruh x18: hahahahaha
Keith Now Says: Then mixing poisons with the neighbors dog.
Keith Now Says: if my dad saw me with powder.. hed be like ok son give it back.
x lawruh x18: hahaha
Keith Now Says: jk my dad doesnt do drugs lol
x lawruh x18: hahahahahha
x lawruh x18: i was gonna ask you that lol
Keith Now Says: hahaha
x lawruh x18: this is one of the weirdest conversations i've ever had
x lawruh x18: oh, so awesome lol
Keith Now Says: I have the strangest craving for mashed potatoes and peanut butter.. yet i think that might be the grossest thing ive ever put in my mouth.
x lawruh x18: that actually sounds really good
Keith Now Says: =-O
x lawruh x18: aww you know what i want?
Keith Now Says: Pukes onself
x lawruh x18: macaroni and cheese with salsa
x lawruh x18: hahahaha
x lawruh x18: what?
Keith Now Says: MY DAMN PCC VIDEO!
x lawruh x18: haha me too!
x lawruh x18: hahaha what a peg
x lawruh x18: wow improv lol
x lawruh x18: "great way to bring it back"
Keith Now Says: o you know it
x lawruh x18: aww now i'm sad lol
x lawruh x18: yet still laughing
Keith Now Says: ha
Keith Now Says: ha
Keith Now Says: he ho hi hu
x lawruh x18: hahah?
Keith Now Says: A hoo hay!
x lawruh x18: sweet jesus on a stick, my hair is shedding all over my keyboard
x lawruh x18: now thats just weird
Keith Now Says: HEY I GOT A JOKE
x lawruh x18: ok!
x lawruh x18: what?
x lawruh x18: hahahahahahhaahahahah
x lawruh x18: thats so great
x lawruh x18: ok i have a joke too
x lawruh x18: ok so there are these two muffins sitting in the oven
x lawruh x18: and one muffin goes aww oh my god its so hot it here!!
Keith Now Says: i knwo this one
Keith Now Says: lol
Keith Now Says: wait
Keith Now Says: maybe not
x lawruh x18: and the other muffin turns to him and says OH MY GOD A TALKING MUFFIN!
Keith Now Says: hahahahahahahah
and that was just some of