Dec 02, 2005 17:53
hey, it would be pretty sweet if people that used to be agnostic didn't jump on me for being an atheist and wanting the symbol of jesus taken out of the manufactured holiday of christmas. You used to have doubts, don't get on my case just because you finally decided to associate yourself with a religion and I didn't.
I think most people know where I stand on religion. If you're confused, please consult any shai hulud album haha. (ie. to be guided by faith is to be mislead).
but what I would like answered is how christians view heaven because when you die, your brain stops all function along with your body. So when the supposed soul leaves the body, how exactly are you suppose to mentally process what's going on in heaven? Are you trying to tell me that some sort of mental consciousness equivalent to the processes that go on instead a living brain goes with the soul? That's a bit of a strech don't you think?