Aug 08, 2004 16:01
Long aSS entry so here goes nothing...
I got home from the Cape around 7 friday night. it was my grandmothers birthday so i figured id go say haPPy birthday since i haDDnt sEEn her in a wEEk b4 i went to sam n brits house to c them n lisa b4 they went away. i found her on the ground crying n teLLing me how she feLL n caLLed 911 again for the fourth time since we left. she droPPed stuFF aLL on the kitchen flOOr n of course she told me to clean it up. she kept ordering me around until the fire dept. came n now that she is in the hospital n wont b coming home for a while im kinda haPPy. i kno that sounds reLLe mean n its not intended for that but if u live with her like me n my parents do u wiLL most likely fEEl the same way. i brought brit and her family some salt water taFFy from cape cod n we just chiLLed downstairs tiLL my dad picked me up. we watched some dumb disney movie that had kristine crying lmao. she got her ears pierced n i am very proud of her... they lOOk so cute on her! lol. weLL i left sunday morning and heres what haPPened when we got there...
-sunday afternOOn we got to our hotel. the guys at the front desk could barley speak english and boy were they ugly. we found our rOOm aLL the way at the end of the nasty aSS haLLway. it reaked like a fucking cheap air freshener in a resturant bathrOOm. when we walked into the rOOm i noticed there was no microwave which ment no popcorn =( and a view of the busy strEEt with a hOOters acroSS from us. the waLLs n flOOrs had stains aLL over them and the bathrOOm was like a liTTle 2x4 rOOm. i kept saying how much it sucked and my mom threatened to put pePPer in my mouth... what am i 2? so im like where u goNNa find pePPer in this dump huh? that shut her up. and on top of it aLL the remote to the tv didnt work. i wanted to go home so bad. my dad being the tourist that he was heard music outside n wanted to go c what was haPPening so my mom, alayna, sharon, and leNNy ((the family friends we went with)) aLL foLLowed him while i was left in the nasty hotel rOOm. i caLLed alySSa cuz she wanted me to caLL her everyday but she was busy so we couldnt talk ='(. i was aLL alone n i just wanted to cry cuz i had no one to talk to. when they got back about 3 hours later my mom forced me to go to eat at hOOters with them. y the heLL would i waNNa go watch horny old guys stare at the half naked waitreSSes? after we ate we walked down to the dock and fed the ducks some gum since we had nothing else. we got ice cream at ben and jeRRys and went back to the hotel rOOm.
-monday i was woken up by the sound of the cars outside my window. when i went to take a shower i haDDa kick my mom out ((very hard to do with no lock on the bathrOOm dOOr)). the shower had thrEE knobs and i had no fucking clue which ones to turn. on top of my hard time the shower was groSS n dirty... very disgusting if u ask me. we tOOk like a 3 hour drive to provincetown. we paSSed thru chatham where kristine was but i didnt waNNa caLL her to c where she was cuz i figured she was having a gOOd time unlike me. turns out her vay k sucked tOO. me n alayna knew we were in provincetown when we saw aLL the rainbow flags hanging from ALL the houses. we were just histerical cuz every single person on the strEEt was gay. there were aLL these feminine guys holding hands and aLL the butch lOOkin girls holding hands n kiSSing in the strEEt. lol we saw a muscle beach workout gym with aLL these buFF guys "mingling" in the front. we found a spot to park ((not a parking space tho... we later found that out with two tickets on the window)) and got out to walk around aLL the shops. lol one was caLLed spank the monkey and it had a statue outside that was smoking what lOOked and smeLLed like pot. lol aLL the lil kids were amazing with it. it was reLLe sage it was smoking cuz they were seLLing it but w/e it was cOOl. we bought a bunch of things and came home. i wanted a rainbow shot glaSS but they onli had ones with lil stars on it. lol the fairy salesperson was tickin me oFF at the register tho cuz he had no clue what he... sry she was doing. when we got back to hyaNNis we lOOked for a beach we could go to that wEEk. we found one but the sand had a bunch of rocks in it and the water was fiLLed with seawEEd. stupid me saw some big rocks and decided to walk acroSS them not even thinking how sliPPery they were closer to the water. lol i feLL and of course got aLL cut up. i split my hand open n it was aLL blEEding everywhere... quite groSS. esp when when got home i had to clean out aLL the sand from the cut under my toe... nastineSS.
-tuesday we tOOk a fairy to martha's vineyard. i feLL aslEEp on the way there so idk how long the ride was. we got onto a tour bus the minute we got oFF the boat. the bus tOOk us for a 2 and a half hour tour aLL the way around the island and half the things the tour guide pointed out u couldnt even sEE cuz it was so foGGy. after the tour and after we ate we left the island. these two reLLe cute guys were siTTing in front of my n my mom on the boat. one was 14... his name was scoTT. he had reLLe bad acne but stiLL very cute. the other guys last name was trost... idk his first name... began with a d tho. they were from detroit n were part of the detroit sailing team ((lol i read the flyer they had)). we started talkin to them and found out they were sailing aLL over the eastern coast or something. preTTy cOOl. when we got back we walked around some more n shoPPed. my dad n leNNy went to hOOters again n we ended up mEEting them there... i got another shot glaSS =). when we got back to the rOOm alyana was kinda in a bad mOOd so she went to her rOOm while everyone else was in mine. my dad and leNNy got a big boTTLe of wine n they just drank the whole thing. they got aLL tipsy n shit n didnt even notice me drink like two whole glaSSes. i never knew wine was so gOOd lol. i slept gOOd that night lol.
-wednesday we went to the pancake man for breakfast n then drove around for an hour lOOkin for a beach. finaLLy we found a decent beach around 1 but it was reLLE crowded so we haDDa wait for a parking space. it was a reLLe nice beach... tried to get a tan but that didnt reLLe work out. PPl with 4 whEEl drive and a beach permit or something could drive on the beach so that was preTTy cOOl. when most of the PPl left there were these wind surfing PPl that were there. we watched them and tOOk pictures n stuFF. lol there was a cute lil dog that had goGGles on. when we got back to the hotel the parents went swiMMing in the pOOl n me n alayna went to our rOOms to watch TV Land ((since we dont have it at home)) and get ready for the fancy resturant we were going to that night. the resturant was huge and very very fancy with reLLe gOOd fOOd tOO. we got a boTTle of wine n the parents were aLL tipsy again. quite fuNNy. we were in there for like thrEE hours before we went back to the hotel but before we went back we stoPPed in a gift shop on the way. i got a comfy hOOdie and i got yeLLed at for knocking the hermit crabs oFF the side of the cage lol.
-thursday was our last fuLL day in the cape. it was reLLe rainy so we walked to the keNNedy museum. very boring! after that we went to the cape cod potatoe chip factory. we were an hour late for the tour so we just kinda walked thru n got out frEE potatoe chips. it said two bags per person but my mom like fiLLed her pocketbOOk with um lol. we drove around n found the keNNedy compound and my mom made me take a bunch of pictures since she sucks at taking pictures. we saw where the keNNedys lived and we saw the pier they walked on in aLL the pictures from the museum. we drove around some more and tOOk more pictures at the keNNedy memorial down the strEEt near the reLLe nice beach. we then went to the cape cod maLL and walked around to waste time b4 we went to c a movie. everytime we paSSed an ear piercing place i would ask my mom for another piercing but she just yeLLed at me lol. i got some bath and body stuFF and that was about it. we saw spiderman 2 making it the second time i saw it. not that great the second time. after the movie we finaLLy did what i wanted to do the whole time we were there... MINI GOLF! lol we went to pirates cove n just made it cuz they were closin sOOn. we played the captains course. it was so much fun. lol esp when me n alayna hid in the cave thing and scared our parents shitleSS lmao that was fuNNy. me n my dad tied in first place. we went back to the hotel rOOm for our last time... thank god.
-friday i tOOk my time geTTing up cuz my mom was packing everything up cuz we were leaving. on our way home we stoPPed in the giant christmas trEE shop. i had some aLLergic reaction to something n the whole time we were in there i was snEEzing and shit... not cOOl at aLL but i did manage to ask my mom to buy a candle for me =D lol. i got to ride shot gun and i played some new cds i bought in the maLL. i bought a midtown cd and taking back sunday... preTTy gOOd. we stoPPed at mohegan sun b4 we came home to eat lunch. it was a groSS lunch. we walked around to the new aDDition of the casino and i bought another candle lol for my rOOm and another shot glaSS for my coLLection =). we got home n i unpacked a lil b4 i went to sam n brits after the cops and ambulance came to take my grandmother away... lol one of the cops was preTTy cute lol.
and now im home alone again. bored as usual. lyNN droPPed oFF oreo saturday... i think she was made cuz we left her with lyNN or something idk w/e shes just a dog. hopefuLLy this wEEk iLL makeup for aLL the fun i didnt have on my vay k by hanging out with stef lol. i think iLL go caLL christine, elena, n alySSa tOO. hmMm im haPPy to b home i gueSS lol. i stiLL have a lil more unpacking to do so peace out xoxo