May 01, 2004 20:36
well the party was uhh fun? hahhh bad lie. it was so gay and i didnt want to be here. sarah called me durring it and said she was gonna come voer. lie 1. then i called her and hillary said shed have her call me back. lie 2. sarah got online a little while agoa nd said she went ot dinner with her mom and then she said brb nevver came baccck and nevver answered my Q. lie 3. i asked her if she wanted to do soemthing tonite but whatever fuck that idc anymore. if she deosnt care why should i? i dont know if i should really be her friend.. she treets me liek shit alot. and im sick of it. i need new frineds. i think i wanna go to stoney next year. itd be fun and jessica said she was considering it too. so we could go together.. but i dont think she is... and theres a small chance i would. :(
i really hate rochester.