Jun 10, 2006 09:36
alright, so yesterday I gave my 2 weeks notice to my bosss cause i just managed to get a job at surf coaster which pays much bettter, and hopefully will be much more fun also. I'm still in the progress of trying to loss weight and even more so now that i'm going to be a lifeguard and that i know too many people there that i wouldnt want to embaress myself. I'm getting my hair cut in less then 2 hours! its gunna be real short. first time basically ever. EVERYone has told me it will look horrible but im not gunna chicken out of this cause i'm ready for a chnage and hopfully it will be for the best. I'm praying i like it, and i really hope ever one eles does. its such a small thing so i dont know why i'm geting all worried abbout it. either way. finals are next week and i still need to getmy grdes up :[ it sucks, um alot it's basically all my fault this quarter too but im tring really hard so hopfully that all that counts. Im gunnna shower and tryt to realive this uneeded stresss.