Jun 21, 2004 12:23
-my name is: Brittany
-nicknames: babii brItt, hOOters,BriTtY shaY, briTty bOO, BrItt, bLonDiE, eTc.
-sex: Female
-birthday: 4-7-1988
-color: white
-star sign: Aries
-chinese sign: no clue
-place of birth: Tennessee
-current residence: Acworth
-hair color: blonde
-eye color: blue/green
-height: 5'8
-writing hand: Right
-do you bite your nails: Yes
-can you roll your tongue: Yes
-can you blow smoke rings: No
-can you blow spit bubbles: Yes
-can you cross your eyes: Yes
-tattoos and where: dont have one YET
-what's sexiest on a guy: nothing
-what's sexiest on a girl: cheerleading shorts
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: a little of both, just depends on my mood i guess
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: hands-its finger food.right?
-do you cook: never
-how often do you brush your teeth: once/twice a day
-do you shower/bathe: everyday
-how long do these showers last: 40 mins
-hair drying method: upside down
-do you swear: doesnt everyone
-do you pee in the shower: not really..usually pee before i get in
-what color is your bedroom: White
-do you use an alarm clock: yes of course
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: chicken fingers, guys, stuffed animals, soap operas
-what’s your sleeping position: stomach
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yes
-do you sleepwalk: No
-do you talk in your sleep: everynow nd then
-how about the light on: negative
-had sex: friday (6/20/04)
-watched bambi: forever ago
-talked on the phone: 5 mins. ago
-read a book: ummmm thursday-I LOVE YOU, RONNIE
-is music important to you: Yes
-do you sing: im horrible
-what instruments do you play: i played the flute nd oboe
-what do you think of Eminem: hes like hot
-in your opinion what band is the best of all time: U2 or Red Hot Chilli Peppers
-pop music: Yes
-rock music: Some
-punk music: Yes
-rap music: Yes
-hip-hop/RB: yeh-i suppose
-country: Yes
-classical: no
-new age: what is that?
-hardcore: no
-indie rock: No
-emo: Yes
-What do you notice first? Their Smile
-Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes--Jeff
-Easiest to talk to: depends on the person
-Could you live without the computer?: probably, it'd be hard but im sure i could
-What’s your favorite fruit?: Apples or Watermelon
-What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional
-Trust others way too easily?: No
-Of times you have had your heart broken? 2
-Of hearts you have broken? 1, Darren-prolly
-Of girls kissed? hmmm...tO many to count
-Of boys kissed? over 10 i supposed
-Of drugs taken illegally? 1
-Of tight friends? a bunch
-Of scars on my body? cant count them all
-I know: i should take a shower
-I want: Jeff
-I have: greasy hair
-I wish: Jeff was with me
-I hate: Ashley
-I fear: Being alone
-I hear: old ppl talking on TV
-I ache: in my stomach-towards my cooch
-I care: About my friends
-I always: Do gay shit
-I dance: In the rain
-I cry: a little more than ppl should know
-I write: sad stories
-I confuse: Everyone
-I can usually be found: with Courtney or Brooke
-Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
-A wuss: I don't think so
-A gang member: no
-A daydreamer: Yes
-An alcoholic: my PO nd MOM think so
-A freak: NEGATIVE
-A brat: sometimes
-A sarcastic: Yes
-A goody-goody: nOt really
-An angel: Of course...lOl
-Evil: so ive been tOld
-A friend: definately
-Shy: Rarel
-Adventurous: At times
-Intelligent: Sometimes
-Your best feature [personality]: my personality-You either like me or you dont
-Most annoying thing you do: iDk--lots of shit im sure
-Biggest mistake you've made this far: breaking up with darren
-Describe your personality in one word: Spunky
-A smell that makes you smile: Tyler's cologne
-A city you'd like to visit: Las Vegas
-A drink you order most often: Diet Coke
-The music you prefer while alone: EMO
-A TV show you watch regularly: nothing really