May 14, 2005 09:56
Woah how tired am i? lol . last night i slept at addys house. It was pretty fun ( like always :) ) we kinda tortured Emily in a way by keepin the light on and being loud. lol but it was fun! lol ! then we had to leave addys in the AM. i went to my house toget ready and i saw a new stove in my kitchen! i was sooo happy. my other stove sucked. i got ready and at about 5 ish emily and addy came to get me at my house. we walked to addys and we left to Kohls.We looked around Kohs for a little bit then we walked to Burlington Coat Factory to find addys mommy an outfit for church. then addy got a purse and we went to kohls and addys mom went to Christmas Tree Shop. Addy took FOREVER to get clothes lol but she found really cute shirts and free flip flops and 1 skirt! lol she spent $ 39.98. She did good. Then we went into the car and we left to the magic dollar and then we went to Shaws. It was fun in there. Addy decided to get on the front of the carriage and i was pushing her aroubnd. lol i was bumping her into Emily and into other stands. lol lol lol lol it was hilarious. lol i had control over her every move. basically. lol then we left and we went to addys , downlaoded songs, hung with Cam Noche and bobby, and then my sis came and got me and now i am here. Baored as hell and really tired. so i'm done for tonight. ill post it in the AM. Night!
<3 Jordan
* PoSt It *
P.S my times are still messed up ! its 9 57 PM not am! lol and i smell like a n Abercrombie Boy! aaahhhhh