Jun 01, 2006 16:32
i know, i know. i've been gone for over a month! but, i thought it's time for me to update && let ya'll know that i'm okay. :) these past couple of months has been crazy, learning something new about myself && others everyday. besides the fact that i ♥ chris brown! haha, i'm crazy over him. i swear, i have to go to atleast two or three of his concerts this summer + a backstage pass. lol, anyways. i'm still single, i have 3 more days of school.. & i'm scared to death of my ap english && chemistry exams. =/ so, keep me in your prayers everyone! i can't wait to be a senior! i landed a $2,000 four-week internship @ the BBRi [biomed research] at central in neuroscience. girl iS bad! =D so i'm happy about that. i'll definately try to update more often this summer to let you guys know what i'm doing. plus i'ma be making a shopping list && after i get paid, i'ma cross it off once i get it! =P myspace is addicting.. here's my link if ya don't know it already :: www.myspace.com/x___tierra. i'm going searching for some chris brown icons, so i'm gonna go. i hope everybody is doing okay, & STAY safe! *mwah!
x0x0; tierra nicoLe