(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 10:29

Sooo I wake up to the alarm going off this morning...mind you...the house alarm...one telling me a battery is low in zone 5...where the hell is zone 5? How do I turn this fuckin thing off? Wasn't it supposed to be turned off two years ago? Sooo yea...I attempt to turn it off...vaguely remembering the password but not enough...so I give my dad a call...at which point he tells me to remove all the batteriesin hopes it will shut up...so I go to do this...and the fire alarm decides to be evil and go off...along with the house alarm...

no biggie? it turns itself off or I hit the right buttons and try to go back to bed...of course the hobbit's suggestion was to "rip it out of the fuckin wall and jump on it a few times...that'll shut it up"

then the fire department arrives...and I tell them...go away it was a mistake...

and make coffee and eat pizza for breakfast...when ADT calls an hour later for a follow up or whatever...

wait a minute...isn't the alarm system supposed to be shut off? Wasn't it shut off two years ago? Enter bitchy tired phone rep saying...no it hasn't been it's still active and hanging up...

asking me questions I didn't know...

so I call ADT...turns out the billing had been shut off but not the entire alarm system...thus why the fire department still comes when the alarm system goes off

the alarm system is now disconnected

and will stay that way...forever

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