Jun 14, 2004 22:25
I've been a very busy girl, but I don't really feel like going on and on about what I've been up to. The people that were with me are the only ones that really need to know anyway.
The next month of my life is going to be EXTREMELY busy. I have like 1000000 things to do. So here I will make a list... see if you can fit yourself in there at some point in time.
Wednesday 16th- New York
Thursday 17th- Cass, Mish, Kendra, and the rest GRADUATION
Friday- Sunday- Trip to LeeHigh to see my Ben!!!
Monday 21st- Monday 28th- Work EVERYDAY
4th of July shit
July 8th- Go to see Mommie
July 17th- Lindsee's Sweet 16
Up to see Ben again sometime that week with Bova and Mish
July 22- 25- Trip to NYC
Umm.... so what now? I worked tonight and I had a group of like 40 teachers. It was a lot of work, but I made really good money. My manager was like "Oh I'm soo proud of you. You handled yourself so well. Yadda...yadda." And I was like- "Damn right. I'm a mother- fucking professional." =)
Bova came to my house last night because he missed me like "WHOA". I miss that boy too.
I just stole this from Mary... it's hella funny...
Lmao @ that.... wow.... especially the one about me and Ben. Mar- I didn't know Robbie was a horse!! Whoa..
The little one needs the puter.
Leave me some love.
Or not.
Either way I don't care.
I still love you.