Apr 03, 2005 16:16
name: Hilary Laura Wright
birth date: 9-11-90
birthplace: Ann Arbor
location: Livonia
eye color: Blueish-Grayish
hair color: Blonde/Brown
height: 5'4ish
righty or lefty: righty
zodiac sign: Virgo
layer two
your heritage: German..Scottish..and I dont know what else
your shoes: clogs...flip flops
your weakness: too many to type.
your fears: Spiders, death
your perfect pizza: No sauce, just cheese and pinaple
goal you'd like to achieve: Do better in school...It's almost accomplished though :)
layer three
your most overused phrase on AIM: Whats up
your first waking thoughts: What time is it?
your best physical feature: umm...my ass? haha Stacey..
your most missed memory: Wow, way too many.
layer four
pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonald's or burger king: Burger King
single or group dates: Depends
lipton ice tea or nestea: Lipton
chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla
layer five
smoke: Ew no, thats sick.
cuss: Sometimes, theres a time and place for it.
sing: Ohh yeah!
take a shower everyday: Mostly.
do you think you've been in love: Yeah I think so...I'm not sure if it's "Love" but I like him A LOT!!
want to go to college: Yepp
liked high school: Yeah, I like it.
want to get married: Most def.
believe in yourself: Yeah...at most times
get motion sickness: Nope, never.
think you're attractive: I don't know.
think you're a health freak: Nooo
get along with your parent(s): Hmm...on occation
play an instrument: Psh, thats a joke.
layer six
in the past month...
drank alcohol: Yea
smoked: Nope
done a drug: Nope
made out: Yes.
gone on a date: Nope.
eaten an entire box of oreos?: DOnt like Oreos.
eaten sushi: Ew no.
been on stage: Yep, Jazz Blowout baby!
been dumped: No
gone skating: Nope
made homemade cookies: I don't bake..
gone skinny dipping: You bet
dyed your hair: Nope
stolen anything: ..No, I don't steel
you sound boring: Sometimes.
layer Seven
number of drugs taken illegally: Don't do drugs.
number of people i could trust with my life: Theres a few.
number of cds that i own: A few, I prefer the radio.
number of piercings: 5
number of tattoos: None, I hate needles
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? like 2 if that
number of scars on my body: Too many to count.
number of things in my past that i regret: I don't really regret things, things happen for a reason.
Last cigarette: Smoking = Nasty
last car ride: Comming home from Cristys about an hour ago
last good cry: Hm..can't remember.
Last library book checked out: Hilary reading? haha
last movie seen: Exorcist
last book read: How to Kill a Mockingbird
last food consumed: Pancakes and Bacon
last phone call: Calling my mom when I woke up from Cristy's
last TV show watched: I forgot what it's called..
last time showered: Yesterday morning.
last shoes worn: My slippers.
last cd played: The CD I made cristy
last item purchased: Chap-stick
last downloaded: Bump and Grind
last annoyance: Hmm...
last disappointment: School starts tomarrow
last soda drank: Sprite
last thing written: Hearts on a peice of paper by the computer, I was bored.
last key used: Period (.)
last words spoken: Peggy
last sleep: Last night
last IM: Mike
last sexual fantasy: A few days ago.. :-*
last weird encounter: huh?
last ice cream eaten: Haven't eaten Ice creme in awhile
last time amused: Last night with Cristy
last time wanting to die: I never want to die
last time hugged: Today when I left Cristy's
last time scolded: Don't remember
last time resentful: Hm...whats that mean?
last chair sat in: Computer Chair
last lipstick used: Don't wear lipstick
last underwear worn: Pink and Red striped panties
Last bra worn: Plain white one, with lace.
last shirt worn: Staff shirt from cheer
last Web Page visited: Livejournal
- I was bored.
<3 Hil