Oct 10, 2007 12:51
I almost died today.
I was driving to work this morning and at Cobb's Corner this huge truck was merging and cut me off. I was behind him until we got on 95S off of South Main Street in Sharon. I had on my blinker to switch lanes and patiently waited until it was clear. After I switched lanes I noticed that the truck had just put on it's left blinker, after I was already in the lane for a couple of seconds. So, when my car was just about in the middle of the left side of the truck he started merging over. WHAT - THE - FUCK. So I tried to get in the fast lane as quick as possible and luckily the person sped up so I could get over. After I drove by him, yelled in his face and flipped him off he got in the slow lane, otherwise I may have gotten his plate. That could have been so fucking horrible, it makes me want to cry.
Other than that, my day's going okay.