So I really have nothing to say - I'm just incredibly bored. It's only 10:30am and I'm here until 6:30pm. Oh, and the Jim&Pam Fanfic site is down which leaves me with nothing to occupy myself.
I have to call my landlord, still no deposit = no couches and that pisses me off to no end.
I've felt so out of it for the past 4 or 5 days, not sure what it is but I wish it would go away. I feel kind of sick but not really - I'm always hungry but when I eat it feels like I ate way too much, but I haven't.
I need to go to the gym. I think I have seasonal depression. Working out will help that. It's funny because I LOVE the fall and winter (minus the shoveling and frozen feet) and HATE the summer, but I'm always happier during the summer.
And you know what really grinds my gears - when radio stations don't play Brain Stew into Jaded. I know that it's technically another song but c'mon - it just doesn't sound right. At least my go to guy for burned C.D.'s knows what he's doing. =)
If you're ever reading this and bored my e-mail is
K, Bye!