(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 20:44

Last weekend was ruthless.. i wonder what i could call this weekend.

Thrusday, Mary and Dawn came up, so we had to have a pow wow with them.. was quite nice, they both roasted with us, but that was just rediculious. then they didnt even chill, 2 hot bitches, bored me an cody, and they left us hang'n. so what ever, went to bed

Work was hell, i got yelled at by everybody. had to wait 2hrs AFTER i was off for a repair guy to show up, and during this time, my ex came up and talked to me, was quite pleasent tho. i have to admit, i miss talking to her. anyways, after that we met up with Shaun for a bit, picked up some cherry-lime. ( good strain )
then we met up with Gordy, and cruised over to nash's( the Pirate! ). spent the night on the white pony, then about midnight, i felt horrible and i tried to contact dawn, cody or mary. cause i felt i shoulda been chillin with them, but they didnt answer. so the night drove on! me, miller and mah bro mob'd down to jakes cabin, joined up with jen, jake, gordy and some other niggers, drank some, shared my candy. after the party died off, me miller and gordy ( party'n hard ) end'd up at meadow park, on the ice rink. brused me up pretty good, got a bit cold and watch jordan slide his first smokeable pipe ( one he blew ) and break it. :( i end'd the night all fucked up at about 9 am saturday. miller and gordy peac'd on me sometime.

Saturday -
woke up at 1ish, went and got food. my stomach need'd this bad. came back home and waited for mary to come over, we were gonna chill for a while. so i closed my eyes, knowing when i opened them, there would be a beautiful woman, sitting infront of me. ( i was wrong ) i woke up at 8, alone, no mary. i was confused. i went and found out where she was, - she was in ft. collins, and angry with me - so, now im a little upset, so i spend more time on the white pony. picked up cody at 9:30 from subway, he joined us. then came back down to pick up jen, and miller. jen joined up, miller killed some boomers. what a night. end'd up at kevins lookin for some more, but there was none, ( thank god, i didnt need it ) i then smoked everybody a blunt, and called it a night.

Today - Monday, i was late to work, was a shitty day, missy was all fuckin pill'd out, and that didnt make it any better. but now im feeling pretty good, and it seams that this weekend tooks its toll on me today, but tomorrow i should be better.

by the way, this day is horrible, valentines day is bullshit and should not be reqonized as a holiday. so FUCK YOU!
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