Feb 24, 2007 15:41
It was recently brought to my attention that I have a livejournal. Go figure.
I went home for Mardi Gras. My brother brought his girlfreind in town, and she is very nice. She aslo thinks that cigarettes are cancer on a stick, and has convinced James to quit. She is, in fact, an all around nice girl. I don't know why she's with my brother. I didn't actually get to costume this year ( I left Mardi Gras morning) but that's OK, as temperatures were such that to costume would have invited frostbite. It was nice to see the family, and my cousins, although Lizzie couldn't come into town. She will be in N.O. in the begining of March, to go on a cruise with her new (to me anyway) boyfreind.
Anyway, life is slow in Durham-town, and I now have time to travel. Perhaps I'll come visit YOU soon.
Or, you know, not.
Regardless, I was very productive today. I went to the bank ,and the car dealership, and the grocery store, and I fixed dinner, and I cleaned the house. I think that counts as a "ye win."
On a side note, my cats produce what must be an unholy amount of fur.
Word of the day: aporia n., pl. aporias, aporiae 1. Rhet. the expression of a simulated or real doubt, as about where to begin, or what to do or say. 2. Logic, Philos. a difficulty encountered in establishing the theoretical truth of a proposition, created by the presence of evidence both for and against it.
babble babble