May 30, 2004 09:56

So, in an effort to start updating more regularly, I'm trying to get away from the idea that I have to have something deep and meaningful to say when I write in here, so I'm just going to write when I feel like it :)

Yesterday I went to Barnes and Nobles. My boy and I went there to buy a financial newspaper and a book on stock market stuff for him. We ended up staying for just slightly less than 3 hours. I spent the entire time in their religious section, looking at books on Hinduism (of which there were surprisingly many -- 3 shelves worth). We ended up buying "The Idiot's Guide to Hinduism", which is written by a woman who has a master's degree in eastern studies (or something like that) and has written three other books on Hinduism, two of which deal with the role of women in Hindu society (the third is about meditation). She has a great writing style. Someone needs to tell me how to LJ cuts, so that I can quote some of the stuff in the book without filling up your friend pages. It's stuff that I think most of you would identify with. One chapter deals with the difference between judaism, christianity, islam and hinduism. I also got a "Teach yourself Hindi" book... just the very basics of grammar and some vocabulary :) It was a fun trip.

Oh, and while I was there I was idly looking through the 'books on tape' section and I saw the latest Tamora Pierce book ("Trickster's Choice") there! It's on something like 17 tapes or something like that! That made me so happy. I have this kind of personal pride whenever I see how popular Tammy has become, because I started reading her WAY before. I was AHEAD of the trend. That never happens to me :)

Anyway, yeah, someone tell me how to do an LJ cut :)
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