Jan 01, 2004 22:56
Today at the party,we went there at about 12 noon, came home round 10 it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, the place labeled the Beer Academy is friggin awesome, im gonna have my 21st birthday there, if i live to be 21, anywho
I watched Peewees big adventure on a huge ass screen, projection,surround sound, excellent, i finally realized the band playing in the hollywood lot, is infact Twisted Sister. That movie is a classic. A white Man and his bicycle, living in a philipino mans world. You could see PeeWee was dealing with sexual frustration and at times Gender Confusion. The dream at the begining is classic, and I want some Mr T cereal. I can recite every line from that movie, ive seen it so many times.
well looks like the rest of the break is being taken from me, we are going to winsconsin tommorow, and saturday, and probably sunday, someone call me, save me from this horrible atrocity.
9880030, happy winter break