&don't type LyK3 Th!s or use any other form of special alt-coding
or webdings/windings to make your journal look oh-so-uber-cool;
&use proper grammer because you're not definetely "too cool for school";
&if your journal entries are 85% of quizzes, surveys,
pictures, or other useless random crap don't bother asking;
&don't add me if you just want a really big friends list, add me to be friends;
&comment on my entries;
&if we have nothing in common, don't bother adding me;
&i'll add more if i think of more;
The following users have been cut for the following reasons:
____bangbang: you don't use your journal anymore
arc__arsenal: you don't use your journal anymore
blend_buster: you moved
crazi_4_kisses: you don't use your journal anymore
miracletoday_89: you moved
xdeep_insidex: you don't use your journal anymore
Please remove me from your friend's list. If you want to be added back, read my rules again. ♥