Reading...For Fun?

Nov 11, 2008 12:51

I know it may be wrong of me, and downright selfish, but I didn't do the reading for one of my classes this week. Part of it was the thought I'd be watching the movie (but then missed the showing), part of it was the instructor telling us to avoid the book if possible and watch the movie/play instead, and the final part was that I didn't want to.

Life has been quite stressful lately, and I just can't seem to keep up with the workload every day. So instead of reading for that class, I did some other homework (which got me ahead to Thursday) and then read a bit for pleasure. You see, I checked out three J.D. Robb books over two months ago now, and have renewed them twice, acquired hefty fines for them, and just can't seem to part ways with them until I've read them. Goodness only knows if I'd ever be able to get them back again.

Yet I found out yesterday that a lot of people have this problem of not doing any reading for pleasure. One student (I won't mention names in case she might get kicked out of a book club or some such terrible thing) told me she hadn't read a book just for fun since her freshman year. She is a senior this year. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? I don't know what I'd do if I went over THREE YEARS without having read a book just for the hell of it. You know, for shits and giggles.

Now it has become my goal to read at least one book a month while in school and three a month outside of school just for pleasure. Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound like a lot, but if I try to overdo it, I'll probably end up seeing it as another assignment rather than an escape.

I was just kind of curious as to how many other people find themselves doing this, avoiding their lovely paper-back and hard-cover friends instead of cuddling up with them on the couch every once in a while. Is it just me and the other student, or is this a common practice? If it is common, then why? Shouldn't there be a law against it? Is this why so many people that graduate from high-school maintain only a middle-school level of reading or worse? What has happened to us?
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