Jul 20, 2008 22:30
I have, starting right now, a whole week off, and I can't wait to get started. Yet somehow my week is already full of things to do and people to meet and places to go... I decided I'd spend monday with either friends from work or family and go see the new batman movie, so that'll be cool. Tuesday I have a meeting at school as well as a ton of shopping to get done and one other thing which slips my mind at the moment. Wednesday I have a meeting with L, then a meeting with a lawyer, and finally a birthday party. Thursday I'm hanging out, finally, with Amanda W, and then going up north for the weekend. Thursday and Friday I'll be assisting my father with a side job up north and then hopefully getting my fishing license.
Wow, one week took up a whole paragraph, and that's just the most basic schedule. I guess that's good, since it means I'll be keeping busy and happy, but at the same time I don't know if this week I took off for rest and relaxation is going to do the trick. Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.
My next semester of tuition is paid off already, and the next one will be funded by the two thousand dollars from Festival, the five hundred dollars from church, and the three thousand dollars from the McNair Scholars program. In other words, I have to do a little bit of paper work and my whole year will be paid off before I start classes in late august. How cool is that? I'm still undecided on what I'll do after all the schooling is done, but I sort of want to stay at home, where I'm comfy, and maybe just keep working at Festival and write in my free time, hopefully become a sucessful, published writer before I turn thirty, and eventually buy a place and live happily ever after.
Oh, and somewhere in those plans I really want a boyfriend or more than boyfriend type of person in my life. I still need to work on my self esteem, which scrapes the bottom of the bottomless pits at times, but I'm trying to be happier and healthier in my life, so perhaps with one will come the other. As Sharon said, I can't wait until I'm a hundred and some pounds and just look smooth and sexy! Yeah, that from my mother's longest friend.
I wish this whole money problem would just go away, but I know I can't solve everything, and it's going to take my parents a long time to get this all sorted out. Still, their problems make me super tight with my money, and I just wish I could solve their money issues, have a couple million dollars in the bank for myself (ooh, wouldn't that be nice?) and live off the interest. Going at my current rate, saving every last penny I have, I still only manage about ten thousand dollars a year. In order to get even one million dollars, I'd have to be done with all payments on everything and work for another hundred years before I'd make it. I really don't want to be working until I'm one hundred and twenty years old. Doesn't exactly sound like fun to me.