Mar 17, 2007 02:12
Jebus, I need to start posting stuff more so I can make some kinda habit out've it or something.
At any rate, yes, I am still ALIVE and well...well, partially well. I've had this annoying cough that just won't go any no matter what kind of medicines I take. I'm kind of worried since it's been going on for more than a few weeks...but it doesn't seem fatal, and it's off and on. Doesn't help I don't have any more health insurance due to my ex-father, but I don't wanna go griping about him. So I just have to deal with this I guess.
Now for some updates. Nope, I still don't have a job, but there's a hopeful soon as I get a bloody notification from them. Basically, we saw this ad in the employment paper, U.S. Postal Work. Seemed okay, so I called, registration is 100 bucks. I'm about to hang up, Mom says no and PAYS for it, a total of over 114 dollars. Basically, the registration is a study exam guide along with a password to a government site. So this what I had to do, soon as it comes in, go to the website and sign up with the information. Then register for the exam, and wait for the a letter to come along with the time and place for the exam. A week or two goes by and we start to worry we were gypped. Thing FINALLY comes in, I go and resister for Rural Carrier associate...basically I'm called in as a temporary replacement for the REAL Carrier if he or she winds up sick or absent. Sounds okay, especially for the pay...however, this was MONTH ago or maybe more...never been good with time. Point is, I haven't gotten a single WORD from these people...and I wasn't about to waste my time studying when there's a chance I may NEVER get called. But the fact Mom may have wasted even MORE money on me still sets me uneasy. So right now, as to make SOME money, I've been donating Plasma since my veins are now big enough. First two times for 40 bucks each, 45 for bringing in a coupon. After that, 25 for the first and 40 for the second. You have to donate at least TWICE so they can send out the plasma, and it has to be BEFORE Saturday to get that 40. This is around the same time I've started to get sick and gained this cough of mine. I haven't gone back for a while now. But now I'm looking at this other ad in the paper I kept for Envelope stuffing, 5 bucks per envelop I stuff that I do at home, catch is I have to pay 40 bucks so I can get the info and materials needed. But if all goes well, that 40 will turn into 500! Little bit more of a pay off here. So what do you think, should I go back to the Center and keep up getting my 65 bucks a week, or go enough to pay for this Envelope Stuffing thing plus whatever charges may come along and work that way? Any opinions will be helpful around this time.
On side news, as I've already said, I've made a new account on FA...which still has nothing really. I've been having major trouble with FA on my Firefox and I have no bloody idea why. Problem is I can't see anyone's icon, preview screen, not even the bloody GALLERIES. I can only see what's new on their entries. This problem didn't exist until I updated Firefox several times now. At any rate, I'm stuck using IE for browsing...s'not bad, I just can't do it as quickly as I can do with FF. Any ideas on how to fix this will help.
But as for my actual gallery...well...I'm not sure if you can call it an artist's block because I'm still pumping out pics here and there. Thing is they're all mostly of me and SOME of my characters. I'm always constantly changing because I'm always freaking worried about first appearances so to speak. But as of now my character has gone though so many, it's to the point that it's unfair NOT to show the history of it...and that means a lot MORE drawing. Not that it's bad...just more of a big pile on than I expected. I've also started to notice a copycat theme going along with some of my characters. Dragons are about the only things I've drawn now -a-days, except for a few humans, a shark and one wolf...but really it hasn't expanded all that much. Save for one, three looked like they were from the same "cookie cutter". But right now, I'm just questioning if it's just I'm thinking too much about it...or I'm starting to see where I should start being more ORIGINAL.
::Scratches my head:: The only reason I thought about this is because of a certain Bahamutian once mentioned my guys looked too much the same...and that was when I only had TWO, and one with many different forms. I'm not pointing names or complaining, just stating I'm now finally understanding.
When I draw dragons of my own design, they always have a certain shape to them as I picture them...but as I go out into the world of fantasy and games, there are some that stick to their mythical background and others that just completely separate themselves from it. For a good example, take the Legendz's Windragons and Blazedragons. While they keep to their draconian ancestry, they are still FAR apart from them. I think a LOT of you furs n' scalies have notice this. For me, my mind is always stuck in realism, to the point I can't even take a few steps into fantasy to make something out of the ordinary...least that's my own opinion. Take for example, I draw a dragon with a smaller snout, more easter ears and draw strange wings that don't even attach to the body. I would SHORTLY change my mind, erase the parts that "Don't Make Sense" and fix it to be more "Real" as it were. So instead of something of fantasy, I get something of reality...even though it's still technically fantasy anyway ::rubs my neck::
Anyway...point I'm trying to get across...I have no idea. I just felt like posting something with a LOT of unorthodox information of random things. But really, I just want some advice, if any, to some how either expand my "box" or just COMPLETELY step out of it all together, in hope of further advancing my artist mind and talents...however little that maybe.
Questions, comments...well, I don't they'll be any questions but comments and advice will be most appreciated. As the great Robin Williams will say, "I can do an impression of a hot dog"...THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT!!!
See ya around Lou.
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