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Jul 07, 2010 18:46

Some of you are on Facebook, and have me, and if you dont have me you should!

So i went through a hypertension scare while i was in Ecuador. I went for my son's graduation and when I arrived to Quito, a city that is 10'000 feet up in the Andes mountains, my heart strained. I was hospitalized with my high blood pressure peaking at 215, which is pre-heart attack.

I spent a week in tests and in the hospital getting poked and probed (and not sexually either!!) and the outcome was that I was at the doorway to heart desease and that week I was on hypertension medication and just feeling like crap. The test results were discourating, and i must admit i was scared. To boot all my tests were during world cup games, and so it was very trying.

I decided for a medical proceedure that helps aliviate the blood pressure by targeting the veins and arteries near the heart. I have never had an operation so you can imagine my fear. Thank goodness my family was there. I went to the Operating Room, and almost 3 hours later woke up, sore but knowing I took a good step.

Of course an operation is the first step, now its a good diet, eating smaller portions and being aware of what i put into my body. I have lost already 10 lbs, but you really cant notice it, but i just feel better. My sprits are good and while i was going under with the anesthesia, i realized so much, how lucky i am with good people near me, and that I want to spend time with good people, spend time with those that care for me. I have a deeper outlook on life.

Was I critical - no, but please realize that while at emergency i had the same symtoms that my dad had the day he had a massive heart attack, so I was scared, I was very much on edge. Today I look back and realize that I have been given another chance, and I want to make changes that make me a better person.

Coming back to Miami a few days ago I realized that i am very fortunate and my life starts getting normal, I went to the movies sunday with Ana a dear friend, and today went to watch the Germany game with Yaima, an LJer that I respect and follow for years and we just never had hung out. It was a treat, she is an amazing girl that loves soccer, you cant beat that.  I feel fortunate as i am planning to head norht and visit Lauren, another woman that I admire, and so I feel that i am growing to understand enjoyment of people, and its all good.

I will comment more, and I will be oppinionated as usual, and i hope you bear with me, as my life is changing, and I hope for the best!

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