Oh, no! I've been tagged!

Oct 18, 2006 15:48

Write a post with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends from your list and tag them - no tagbacks. These rules should be included in your entry

1. Sometimes I am compulsively paranoid. I have thoughts like I want to own a bomb shelter stocked with food because I can feel the world crashing in on me and I just want to be safe. I would say Bumstead (the 4x4) is really an offshoot of this paranoia and the feeling that sometimes I believe I need a vehicle that can move off roads. I would also say I feel safest in Texas.

2. I edited and published a literary magazine called Recycled Quarterly. I think it was one of the best ideas I have ever had, but it never really took off and I gave up because of the mountains of work that was involved. I would still like to see it start back up again and maybe after law school, I will once again run it.

3. I have attended eight colleges/universities: Texas A&M University, San Antonio College, Manatee Community College (AS, AA), Florida State University (BA), Seminole Community College, Florida Southern University, University of Central Florida (MA), and Florida A&M University (JD-Anticipated). Currently I have a total of 260 credit hours (which if you count 12 hours as a full time semester, I have been in college for 11 years or for 24 years of my life have been in school).

4. I have an interest in inventing things (and I have seen several of my ideas become a reality, eventhough I never patented it). Currently I have about 4 ideas that I would like to patent... once I learn patent law.

5. I have never done drugs. I have never smoked. I have never been arrested.

6. I believe in God and throughout my life I have struggled with him and his theology. I do not believe there is any way I can be perfect. I believe I will have to answer for my mistakes (and there are more than I care to answer for). Since I have done more wrong things than I care to mention, I cannot see any reason why God should love me. But, after having children, and seeing their faults, seeing their mistakes, I now realize, you can unconditionally love someone despite their shortcomings. You can desire they will do right but you can't make them and ultimately they will be responsible for their mistakes. Also, I am keeping myself busy with my own faults, I have no place or business looking at other people and what they might have going on (good or bad). I think everyone is responsible for himself or herself and does not have to answer to any other person. I also think my beliefs are contrary to other religious beliefs and but I am not saying my beliefs are the only path.

I reserve the right to clarify any or all of these.

Tagging Six people:
1. You
2. You
3. You
4. You
5. You
6. You

(Personally, I'm not much for tagging people because it ends up being a chain letter. If I like the general premise, I do it. If you like the general premise, then you do it too.)

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