Highly Irritated

Oct 16, 2004 21:27

Just when you think shyt is gettin better its always ONE thing that brings you down. I feel like yesterday and today were a total waste of my fuckin time.

Friday:I took my braids down. Took forever. Then my friend was supposed to do it at 6 but she didnt come til bout 7:30 I had my schedule all planned out. So basically that threw me off. So I didnt get back home till bout 10. So i go and study for my Religion test that is on MONDAY. I got a majority of that done, but not as much as I wanted. So i been lookin for this book for AFAM(African american studies basically). Come to find out, this shyt is outta print. And he basicallly assigned us what we had to read. Had to have me a lil drink to channel some of my frustration. Went to bed around 4:30AM.

Saturday: Work up MUCH later than expected. Started looking for the book at 2. Called just about every book store that it was in the phone book. Dont have a car so I couldnt drive around and look. So then I called this big school who said that they had to book. Do you know I had to catch a cab up to the school, and they still said the book was in. I got look in the section that they tell me..THE SHYT IS MISSIN. Only one copy was left. So im mad as hell CAUSE I SPENT MONEY ON A CAB FOR ONE AND TWO I WASTED MY FUCKIN TIME. So the library says that hey have it. But the Library is not gonna be open tommorow.PLUS I'm not a resisdent of this state so they wouldnt have let me check it out anywayz. Then I try to call the cab company back and the line is busy for about 20 mins. So Im STRANDED in a area I have no idea about in the dark. I come back to school at about 9 o clock. I try to order the book online on Amazon. Come to find it they tricked me they told me it would take 1 to 2 dayz, come to find out it could take up to two weeks. So then i try to study another subject and what happens niggas bein loud all over the campus I cant even find a quiet study room. So basically Im writin this right now cause im frustrated. The assignment for reading the book is due this Friday. What the fuck am I gonna do?????????

So basically im assed out. And I cant study so Imma fail so more shyt.

On to Patrick:
He came to my dorm on Friday so he could see my room. Patrick is this boy I been talkin to for about 1 month. And its some things about him thats really been buggin the fuck outta me lately. I think Ive reached my breakin point and tolerance for his azz. So he comes up here and I told him that he would only be able to stay for about 1 1/2 cause i had to braid this dudes hair. So first off he makes these little smart comments to my roommate and me. I was like here a pic of my mom he was like oh okay like he wasnt really interested. Im like people always say we look alike. He like well ALL THEM PEOPLE BEEN LYIN TO YOU. Im like what the fuck??? So i said naw maybe you just cant see. Anywayz..its time for him to go and he talkin bout what you gon kick me out. I was like i told you I had to braid somebody's hair, he like let me watch...im like no. I told his azz i just learned and I dont like people all up in my face when im tryin to learn something. So he gets this little attitude. So im like okay TIME TO GO. I walk him outside to the car. He's like so you gon call me tonight. I was like ill probably call you Friday he like FRIDAY. So im like yea Friday. So basically to get to the point I DIDNT CALL HIM BACK. And he hasn't called me. Im still debating on whether I should call him again. I definately know we wont become a COUPLE SO WHY WASTE MY FUCKIN TIME.
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