Star Trek! I loved it.

May 09, 2009 20:23

Interesting Articles:
Star Trek for the Obama era: Turning back to science, inter-cultural cooperation, and hope.
Marketing Star Trek to Virgins--which really made me wonder about everyone I saw at the theater last night.
Great video from the onion

I wanted to write some long expansive dialogue about mythology in film and grand cultural impact, but I need to go make tapioca pudding and I just spent more time on facebook than I ever have in my life. I was impressed by the improved feminism and how it strangely needed improving though the 'heavy handed message about cultural tolerance' has never been a problem. Uhura kicks butt, love the extra wit and action they gave her here. As the only consistently present female character, she was always my favorite, but I always wanted to see her actually do something. Will say no more. A great update, though cheekily arranged. But I think we're ready for this one, and for once I'm super excited that there's already buzz about another movie. My only real question is this: If we're in an alternate reality, why does everyone have to play the same role they always did? Kirk's still in the captain's chair and Spock the first officer. Why? This question may also rise since my perception of bending space time in sci fi is entirely based on Farscape, whose alternate realities were, well, out there.
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