Fic - Apology - Carson/Rodney - NC-17

Mar 09, 2009 22:38

Title: Apology
Pairing: Rodney/Carson
Word Count: 224
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: After the events of ‘Irresistible’, Rodney tries to apologize to Carson.
AN: This is my last fic for the ‘missing scene’ prompt table at mcbeckchallenge. Yay! \o/ Table can be found here.

With his fingers tangled in his lover’s hair, Rodney pressed against the bed and let out a low growl. He wanted to say so much in that moment, but his brain wouldn’t allow him to form the words. He needed to apologize. Deep down Rodney knew it wasn’t his fault - he had practically been drugged by Lucius, but the things he had said..

“Carson, I--.”

He was cut over when Carson pressed his tongue against that spot on the underside of his cock. Rodney jolted on the bed, and his balls started to tighten. It was too much, and he balled his free hand around the bedsheet.

“Carson...” he tried again, but the words were lost as his body started to tremble.

Moments later, he was crying out Carson’s name. Falling back on the bed, Rodney slowly caught his breath, his fingers still tangled in his lover’s hair. He licked his dry lips and took one last shuddering breath before he glanced down.

“I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t us but...I’m sorry.”

“Me too, love.”

Rodney lips twitched into a small smile as Carson moved up to kiss him. Saying the words were just the beginning, he knew as he wrapped his arms around Carson’s body. And Rodney planned to show how sorry he was for as long as Carson allowed.

prompt table: mcbeckchallenge, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: carson/rodney, nc-17

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