Comfort In The Smallest Things - Carson/Rodney - PG

Dec 01, 2008 00:01

Title: Comfort In The Smallest Things
Pairing: Carson/Rodney
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1060
Summary: Sometimes one finds comfort in the most smallest of things.
Spoilers: Through 5x02 (kind of)
Disclaimer: Not mine!
AN: For the mcbeckchallenge ficathon. This fic is for Garneteve, who gave me the prompts: have to include ‘labcoat, and stethoscope’ being used either by rodney or carson, in an infirmary setting or during their freetime. Hope you like!

The box laid on the bed, its lid securely taped with the words “Doctor Carson Beckett” written across it in black marker. Rodney said he had found it in his quarters after Carson was put in stasis, but Carson couldn’t help but to wonder if Rodney had purposely kept it. He wouldn’t be upset if he had. He knew how Rodney could be at times, and how he sometimes held onto the things that reminded him of his loved ones...especially if they were gone.

Carson moved closer to the bed and sat on the edge of it. He pulled the clear tape off the box, and allowed the lid to pop open. He moved the flaps to the side and looked inside. A smile crossed over Carson’s face when he saw what was in there. It was everything he had ever left in Rodney’s quarters.

Reaching inside, Carson pulled out his old stethoscope. It was the one he had brought with him when they first came to Atlantis. He used it all the time, and took great care of it since he didn’t know when they would get any supplies from Earth. And when the supplies came, he found the best place for it was in Rodney’s bedside table since the other man tended to think he was always sick.

“Carson! It’s cold.”

“Do you want me to warm it up, love?”


Carson chuckled as he recalled the morning Rodney awoke, swearing he had somehow gotten an infection in lungs. The first thing Carson had reached for was the stethoscope. Of course, Rodney then started to complain about the coolnes of the metal on his skin. Carson remembered having to warm it between his hands.

Rodney didn’t have a lung infection that day. Carson knew he had done it in hopes of keeping his lover there for a bit longer. He obliged Rodney’s need, and stayed long enough for them to make love again before sharing a hot shower. The cough Rodney claimed to have seemed to clear up after that, and they went their separate ways.

After placing the stethoscope in his duffle bag, Carson looked in the box again. He pulled out a comic book he was sure wasn’t his. Rodney was the comic book fan, not him. However, Carson found himself placing it in his bag. He needed all the reminders of Rodney he could get so his time on Earth would go faster.

At the bottom of the box was one of Carson’s old lab coats. He was surprised to see that was the only piece of clothing he had ever left at Rodney’s. The other man had left several things in Carson’s quarters: shoes, socks, pants, and even one of his boots. Curiously, Carson pulled it out and stood from the bed. He slipped it on, surprised to see he was still the same size. But there was something different about the coat.

Carson pulled one of the collars up, and sniffed it. He could smell the faint scent of his after shave, but he could also smell Rodney’s, and it was much stronger. Had the other man worn it in hopes of feeling closer to him when he believed Carson was dead? The thought of Rodney finding comfort in an old lab coat broke Carson’s heart.

He shrugged the lab coat off and stared at it, tears filling his eyes. Carson started to place the coat into his duffle bag but stopped. He didn’t think he could take it with him so he placed it back in the box.


Rodney stood in the middle of his quarters, and looked at his lover. “You don’t have to go, Carson,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “You can help here.”

“Aye,” Carson said, nodding his head. He reached down and took one of Rodney’s hands into his. “But I need to go back, and see my family, love. My mum...she needs to know I’m still alive. It’s only for a couple of months. Then I’ll be back. Promise.”

Rodney looked down at the floor, and toed a piece of carpet that was sticking up. “A couple of months is a long time, you know,” he quietly said.

Carson chuckled and shook his head at Rodney’s boyish stance. It was one of the many things he loved about him. Reaching over, he cupped his face and tilted it up so they were eye-to-eye again. “You won’t even notice it, love. You’ll be too busy saving the galaxy with Colonel Sheppard and the lot of them,” he whispered before he leaned over and softly kissed him. “Now, do you want to walk me to the Gate room?”

Rodney shook his head after Carson had dropped his hands. “Already said I want to say goodbye here because it’s easier,” he said.

Carson slowly nodded and pulled Rodney closer. The two deeply kissed for several moments before pulling apart. “I love you. I’ll see you soon, love,” he whispered.

“Love you, too. See you, Carson,” Rodney quietly said.

He stepped away and watched Carson leave his quarters. Part of him wanted to follow but he stayed where he was. When his doors slid close, Rodney raked his hand through his hair just as something caught his attention. Sitting by his bed was the box he’d used to put Carson’s things in.

Walking over to it, he looked down to see the words “Doctor Carson Beckett” had been crossed out and replaced with “Doctor Rodney McKay”. With his brow furrowed, Rodney picked up the box, and opened it. Inside was the lab coat he had used as his own personal security blanket after Carson had died. Rodney had stopped using it after Carson’s scent had disappeared from the fabric.

As he pulled it out of the box, he could smell the scent of Carson’s after shave wafering in the air. Rodney then noticed a small piece of paper in the bottom of the box, and pulled it out.


I know it doesn’t make up for me being there, but I promise to be back soon. I’ll miss you and think of you always.


With a smile, Rodney held the lab coat against his chest. Carson would be back soon and then things would be all right again.

ficathon: mcbeck, rating: pg, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: carson/rodney

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