Title: What’s Right
Pairing: Fred Burkle/Nick Stokes (CSI: Crossover)
Word Count: 496
Rating FRT
Summary: AU S3 of Angel. Fred takes matters into her own hands.
Disclaimer: I don’t own either of them. Joss and Jerry do.
AN: For the ‘denial’ prompt at
btvsats_love and fic #11 of 15 for
15_song_titles There came a time when Fred knew she should stop living in denial. It came while she was standing in the lobby of the Hyperion, her arms wrapped around Connor’s small body. She was smiling at Angel as lie after lie fell from her mouth. She told him she was taking Connor out for a while because he needed fresh air. And, of course, Angel bought it.
It all started with the prophecy she’d found on the floor of Wesley’s office. He’d been so angry with her for snooping and both said things they later regretted. He’d begged her not to tell Angel and to let him handle it. And she would have if he hadn’t gone to Holtz.
Wesley tried to assure her it wasn’t what she thought. But, Fred knew Holtz wanted revenge on Angel and was scared his revenge would end in Connor’s death. She couldn’t live with herself if an innocent child was killed.
So, she lied and told Wesley she was going to let him handle it. She promised him she would let it go and not say a word to anyone. Living in denial was better than fighting with her friend.
Yet, the more recluse Wesley became, the more Fred worried. He wasn’t handling it right and she decided to take matters into her own hands. She would take Connor herself and return after a few weeks. By then, the prophecy would’ve passed - at least she hoped so.
She rented a car and drove east. When she passed the Las Vegas city limits, her throat tightened. She was in too deep and she needed help.
After finding a phone book, Fred looked his address up. Even though they had spoken a few times since her rescue from Pylea, they hadn’t exchanged addresses.
He was the man she was going to marry at one time. They had met one summer when he’d worked on her parents farm. She was too young at the time but, when she was old enough, their friendship had turned to love.
She didn’t know if he would want her now that she had kidnapped a friend’s baby, but, she needed him. She had a feeling the prophecy wouldn’t pass in a few weeks and knew she could never return to Los Angeles.
Fred went to his house and sat in the car for a few moments before getting the nerve to go to his front door. She knocked and waited, and when Nick opened the door, they stared at each other, and Fred knew she could no longer deny what she had done.
“I’m in trouble,” she sobbed as she held Connor against her body. “I need your help.”
Nick looked from Fred to Connor before reaching out and gathering both of them in his arms. “What ever you need, Fred, I’ll do my best to help,” he whispered as he held her.
And, for the first time in days, Fred didn’t feel so alone.