(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 09:55

OK there has been a lot of uproar about the steriod scandle shit that has been going on. If you bodybuild, play baseball, football whatever. people are being attacked. Yeah steriods arent a good thing. If your not cycling correctly shit can go wrong. You stop producing testostorone, and estrogen starts spewing like a mother fucker in your sysetem after a cycle. Wow that sucks you can get bitch tits (rarely), lack of sexual enegery, impotence, loss of hair, and the worst depression. However the gains you can make in a short period of time are emmense. That is way so many teenagers are doing steriods now. WHICH is why it is probably the most stupid thing to do while your in your teen too early adulthood. As a normal male teenager your testostorone levels are sky high and get even
higher when you start working out. If proper nutrition and lifting processes are applied YOU get big and lean. One problem you have to like it and you have to be patient and dedicated. Steriods arent a mircle drug in fact often you dont keep your gains very long UNLESS you know what your doing. Most people just get on that sus/deca stack and blow up with water retention and think they are jacked up. I personally wont touch the shit I dont need it nor do I think anyone untill they reach 30 needs them. Now I will speak in the defense of steriods. AS an athelte your are there to entertain the "normal" people. Often professonal sportsmen are pushed beyond the limits of a
natural human being. If your on roids your body can recover in immensely short periods of time. So with saying that
you can have more output as an athelte. More muscle mass, increased strength, increased intensity, are all good
things no matter what athelete you are........I suppose even golf. If anyone plans to be a professional bodybuilder
now a days you have to face the cold hard fact that those people go beyond their genetics because of steriod use. Its hard to explain without attacking the people who compete. I look up to many of the pros whether it be dexter jackson, or chris cormier. The cold hard fact is that they do use steriods when it comes to competition times, BUT that is no reason to feature these people on the news and attack the sport. They didnt get that big soley on steriods. They were huge even before they started the juice. hell they probably could have and did win competitions before they started gear. I keep blabbing on and on so im going to get to my point right now. I dont see why steriods are illegal. Alchololic beverages arent illegal and they effect the liver probably far worse then steriod use does.Excessive beer drinking will get you fat. Fuck it anything in excess is not a good thing. So the same with steriods if they are abused you get a lot of bad shit happening to you, if they arent and you use them CORRECTLY there should be no reason for them to be illegal. These people in baseball who you see on the news everyday arent criminals or bad people they are just people who are trying to make their performance better to entertain.......let me guess..... YOU. What business is it of some old fuck behind a desk who has never used gear before in his life. Those people shouldnt make the decisions the other atheltes who play the game should make the fucking decision. Attacking Kurt Schilling and making him try to fess up on people he knows is lame. Steriods are part of the professional sports world deal with it.
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