Jan 24, 2005 21:37
omg! it was SO cold this morning! lol anywaysss woke up around 6;00 because we had too drive from ft.lauderdale but it wasnt that bad of a drive. anyways personal fitness was gay .. just went over the worksheet then went to the gymnastics room and jumproped lmao it was sooo gay. next was speech, we had a sub so we just watched finding nemo but i was sooo tired so i slept lol and i fell dead ass asleep.. i was happy cause i got to sleep for like an hour and a half =) then lunch yay! chicken nuggets today!! they are soo good. so sat with lauren and anthony and the rest of the table and just talked too them and laughed alot lol i love those kids. so next was geography and we got seats moved again and i like my spot, im by sofia, jimmy, and josh =) lol well then just did bookwork and sofia and josh argued it was sooo funny. next mass media just watched the same movie we did last class so it was pretty boring and we have too write a TWO page essay on it ugghh!
soo after school just went to publix then came home talked too people online =) then just hung around the house, took a shower, ate dinner, finished my geography homework then went online and talked too rachel and we are gonna do something thursday yay! =) and on wednesday after my docter shit im going to fallons house aw i havent seen her sine the broward county fair. and so now im watching spider man 2. and after its over im gonna call dillon <3