Not really too many situations come up in my life that I deem worth taking the effort of actually sitting down and typing out. But I have stumbled upon something in my work office of all places that ummm...well i really find quite alarming. I am in the navy. It has its pros and cons just like everything else. But in this line of business my superiors have the ability of destroying my life at will. There are an almost unlimited amount of ways they can accomplish this and things that can be "done" that could follow me outside of the navy (worse case scenario). I won't go into detail. As of now I have managed to stay out of harms way by staying quite and doing as I am told no matter how ridiculous the task. But I fear no matter how inconspicuous I manage to stay because of the nature of my chain of command I may at some point be "Under The Gun". Anyway that being said my LPO (leading petty officer) who is pretty much in control of everything has his own personal note book that he carries around. I recently discovered that he has written his "Rules To Live By" on the back of the cover. They are as follows:
- Trust No One - Those who claim to be part of the flock might really be one of the pack.
- Mind Your P's And Q's - The walls have ears and what you say more often than not will be misconstrued.
- Dot Your I's And Cross Your T's - Your slightest mistake will be used as ammunition against you.
- Shepherd The Flock And Cut Loose The Wolves.
......Ok.......This scares the hell out of me. These things are like ingraved into the cardboard in all capital letters.....