Pt. Roberts Parade

Jul 10, 2009 18:31

In case you didn't see enough at shaddyr, here are some of mine...

Jane & Baz in uniform as Weir & McKay before the parade. David told us the wardrobe folks made the mini-McKay uniform for Baz shortly after the cancelation was announced.

In case you weren't traumatized enough by Shaddyr's picture, please note: the bicycle has fur. The sign on the back was "Pt. Roberts Emergency Preparedness." I have no idea how the sum of these parts constitute a whole.

Getting ready for the parade.

David & alsogater(?)

David & Kaliope

David, Jane & Baz check out the bike UFO.

bike UFO detail
I was really impressed with the construction on this. The two bikes were yoked together and pipes used to extend the frames, and the UFO frame attached to that.

David & Isabelle

another entry in the parade: tinfoil covered lawnmowers

wee horse: because it's cute. It's smaller than what I'm accustomed to as a pony, but larger than what I've seen of miniature horses, so I don't know the name for that particular size.

This was a float. Not quite sure how the porta-loo qualifies as sci-fi, unless it's intended to answer the the perennial question of what the bathrooms look like on Atlantis. ;)

This was about mid-way through the parade route. Delta TV was interviewing each group in the parade.

David, Baz and Jane
hey look. They're in front of the Stargate on yet another forested world ;)

The Atlantis side of the gate

and the Earth side.

The folks who built the gate did a really fabulous job. It doesn't show up well in the picture, but the Atlantis side has the constellations for that gate.

Honorable Mention.

I had a great time, and did not burn to a crisp.  The Vancouver Stargate Meetup folks are a friendly bunch.  If you're in any of the pictures and want me to send you a copy of the full size pic, let me know.  Also let me know if you're in one and don't want your pic on the internet, and I'll take it down.
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