(no subject)

Oct 13, 2006 21:42

work today was alright.
it was freezing outside and my neck hurt all day.
i convinced my dad to pick me up so i wouldnt have to walk home.
hans got to see everclear tonight in college park.
as a part of his fucking job.
he got to take them amps or something.
he texted me and said "the singer of everclear is nice".
i said "even if i gave a shit about everclear, i still wouldnt think you sounded cool for saying that. you want to be cool? buy my mom one of their CDs and get it signed for her".
he said he would but who knows.
he said "would that make you happy"
i said "yes, it would give you the appearance of being considerate".
he gets to see big city rock and im jealous.
i went to guitar center tonight which was wierd because he wasnt there and i was?
tom jonas helped me and miguel look at good amps.
hans was mad. he said it was like him hanging out with girls that i hate.
i said "not exactly because i didnt go out of my way to talk to him. HE WORKS HERE!".
its not my fault no one else was helping us.
we looked at new PA's and theyre all gay so were gonna get an old one or get ours fixed or buy one online.
so miguel and i both found good amps that we want to get and will probably buy soon.
we saw paul there.

tommorow i dont have work.
i think im going to go shop around for a nice peacoat.
maybe some warm boots or something.
i just need warm shiz.
like some plain thermals.
the soft kind.
hans is coming over after work and were going to go see that new robin williams movie.
it looks like its going to be funny.
i actually like pretty much every robin williams movie.
then we will most likely watch episodes of alias.
and go to sleep.

we had an argument today.
i told him that coming over watching TV and sleeping wasnt making plans it was routine.
and that him and i never make plans. wheras he does when it comes to hanging out with other friends.
so he decided that i was right.
i told him i didnt want to be right.
i want to go do things and talk and not just sit around eating fast food watching tv.

in other news, im pretty much broke.
and yet, still making plans on things i need to buy.
its wierd how that works.
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