Apr 23, 2009 21:54
why does LAW AND ORDER take over TNT?
im so fucken far behind in school it was so much easier liven in orlando and attending classes then haven to do it online im too lazy for it and never want to catch up,although valencia is probably the best college i have ever attended better then UCF and DBCC by far
fuck i need to catch up i hate fucken algebra though dfhdsuioghdsoifdk
summer is here pretty much thats fucken crazy, this year for me has been life changen filled with regret,remorse,and indescribable feelings
my birthday is in like 2 weeks haha i have no idea on how to feel about it to most people its a big thing,,i just think of it as a day where you receive an unknown amount of money to spend on whatever you want kinda like x-mas. i am thinken of just getting ink thats all i have planned maybe a litte bit of weed (lots of weed) and maybe top it off with a tittybar who knows im getting old though and thats never to much fun...
still have surgery in 6 months saw the doc on thursday everything is ok just sick of waiting
i want my life back! and my brand new truck which i should be getting soon!
still have not got my animal collective ticket i need to get on that shit!
im pretty sure this week im going to ask tiffany out i stutter so much though when im nervous i know shes gonna say yes we talk and hang all the time and do little cute things but still cant help but me nervous i feel like being nervous will always be a part of me
ireland is also this summer i want to take a friend but seeing how all my friends spend money on drugs and booze i dont think this will happen its only 1000 bucks and your passport thats really not that much but everyone seems to think so but if you are worken and just putting a little bit of money on the side you could for sure get that kinda money in over a little months time
this post could go on and on i seriously am bored enogh to talk all night
my memory is so bad now i cant really think what i was doing this time last year i know i was fucken around with fine ass hoes but im at a blank what else i was doing
its like 1 am drew just called me and wants to blaze im thinken about rideing my bike over instead of getting picked up its a really nice night out tonight
im dedicating these next 2weeks in workout,blazen,and spending sometime with tiffany
thats all i really care about these days
i wish i had some old photos of me i cant find any old ones from highschool or the parties at the 70s house or at any house for that matter
ohhh and i recorded a song today im really into bands like genghis tron i would love to start a band like those guys i need a better synth like any between 500-1000
crank 2 sucked by the way